
Master Over the Faith: Pope Should "Allow" Homosexuality - Aachen Bishop

The Church should "allow" homosexuality - which is forbidden by God - Aachen Bishop Helmut Dieser told KNA.de (12 February).

No one can choose their "sexual orientation," Dieser said. This is actually true, since "sexuality" per se refers to the relationship between man and woman.

For Dieser, even sexual immorality is a "language of relationship," of "acceptance," of "joy in life" and of "being for one another." This also applies for him to homosex activities. Sadly, this description of sexuality also fits "relationships" between adults and 15-year-olds.

Dieser wants Germany to initiate a "change" in the Church's teaching on homosexuality. Therefore he calls on Francis to "reconsider and amend the relevant passages of the Catechism," as if a pope would lord it over the faith.

The Catechism only repeats the biblical teaching that homosexual temptations must be resisted. But Dieser believes that "abstinence is a special gift of God" that "not everyone" has. With this, he justifies every kind of misguided sexuality that "cannot be resisted."

Homosexuals who cannot live their lives according to "the Catholic rule in force up to now" - this is Dieser's paraphrase for the Ten Commandments - do not, according to him, always sin gravely nor do they lose God's salvation: This [= the loss of salvation = hell] must therefore be taken out of the Catechism "as a first thing," Diesers insists as if he were a source of revelation.

According to Dieser, homosexuals should not be blessed "at present" [why not?], although this is done in Germany and elsewhere.

Dieser's explanations presuppose a sadistic and stupid God who creates people as homosexuals, forbids them to practice homosexuality and denies them the grace for abstinence so that he must be corrected "by the Pope."

Picture: Helmut Dieser, © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsAnkqfepmls

Homosexual acts are sinful and if we love our fellow man we will never reduce the severity of them.
Mary said in Fatima to the children Pray and fast because God is much ofended by us sinners ,
Please pray for the conversion of these poor lost souls, they inflict so much suffering on the Mystical Body
Oh goodie... another German bishop arguing what the Pope should or should not allow. Protip: What a Pope allows and what the Church allows are not always the same.
John 15: "You are my friends if you do what I command you."