
The Problem is Not Little Fat Kim Jong-un - Bishop Knows It

“I address the neighbouring countries of the Korean peninsula [= Japan] and the international community [= United States]: please let us Koreans work among ourselves.” Daejeon Bishop Lazarus You Heung …More
“I address the neighbouring countries of the Korean peninsula [= Japan] and the international community [= United States]: please let us Koreans work among ourselves.”
Daejeon Bishop Lazarus You Heung-sik, 68, South Korea, said this according to AgenSir.it (June 16), “We're brothers and sisters, we have the same language, the same history.”
The bishop's words came after North Korea blew up the liaison office with South Korea because the country had allowed a propaganda attack by means of balloons transporting flyers over the border.
North Korea rightly accuses the south to be an American poodle. Thus, You stresses that “the process of reconciliation must be between Koreans.”
The U.S. justify their military occupation with an alleged threat from the north while in reality their arms point at nearby China and Russia. Japan also prefers a divided Korea because this weakens a potential competitor.
Picture: Lazarus You Heung-sik, © korea.net, CC BY-SA, #newsGlepyxbbsz
The true, full and final argument against Communism is that private property is much more important than private enterprise. A pickpocket represents private enterprise, but we should hardly say that he supports private property.
The madness of tomorrow is not in Moscow but much more in Manhattan...
What is this communist dreck?
Novella Nurney
Really, we probably should stay out of it. But then again there is all those nasty warheads and whatnot. We should at least be praying, everyone all over this world. Did the Bishop mention the importance of prayer?
Don't worry, Novella Nurney The US has a (super classified) missile defense system that's killer. Deliberately delayed thanks to the previous admin. ;-). Proud to say, my dad led the "tiger team" that designed the core software for it. They were calling it "Sky-Net" after the (Skynet) system in The Terminator. The Air Force had kittens when they figured out the movie reference.
No exaggeration,…More
Don't worry, Novella Nurney The US has a (super classified) missile defense system that's killer. Deliberately delayed thanks to the previous admin. ;-). Proud to say, my dad led the "tiger team" that designed the core software for it. They were calling it "Sky-Net" after the (Skynet) system in The Terminator. The Air Force had kittens when they figured out the movie reference.

No exaggeration, it's that good. Forward compatible for faster processors, more inputs. all kinds of spooky stuff. It's designed to keep getting "smarter". I'll never forget when he came home after the department reviewed the first live-fire field tests.

He was carrying a magnum of Dom Perignon Brut and had a look on his face like this.

Seriously if North Korea tries anything under Mr. Trump, we're going to knock everything they throw right out of the sky and stomp their entire stupid military flat.
So, you are in favor of the commies taken over the entire world. Checked. I wouldn't have known por even imagined that. Life gives you surprises!!!
Novella Nurney
It is properly referred to as the " Spirit of Surprises ". I could be confused though.😆