
Lukashenko: “I Consider Francis the Best Pope”

Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko gave his best regards to Francis as he met with the new Apostolic Nuncio Ante Jozic (BelTA, November 3).

“Please convey my warmest greetings to the Pope. I highly respect him. I met with his predecessors, but I consider him the best Pope,” Lukashenko said.

He added that Belarus and the Vatican enjoy “special relations” for instance in “protecting traditional family values.”

Picture: Александр Лукашенко © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsQobmnflgrf

alfred dunn
Poor Belarus.
Alex A
There are millions of Catholics around the world who perceive Pope Francis as a 'wonderful, humble, and caring, Holy Father. Now, you and I may not agree with their sentiments, but given that is a reality why should we be surprised that the President, who is not Catholic, perceive Francis differently?
You really should read this, @Baptist John ;-)
He's president and he can't see that Francis is a horrible pope? Either he is blind or looking for something
Alex A
He's entitled to his opinion the same as anybody else. If you don't agree with his opinion, fine. Let us all, not get carried away with self-importance and self-righteousness, a reoccurring theme on GTV of recent times, especially with our Latino brothers and others.
Angelici Ordinis
Is this guy for real? I thought he was a traditional man, not a gay creep
F M Shyanguya
@Angelici Ordinis It appears they have their people wherever they were able to insert them.
Wickedness in high places.More
@Angelici Ordinis It appears they have their people wherever they were able to insert them.

Wickedness in high places.
F M Shyanguya
Revealing himself.