
Francis’ Exhortation Laudate Deum “Is Suicide for the Church”

Franco Prodi, brother of former Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi and a leading atmospheric physicist in Italy, is embarrassed by the climate catastrophism of Francis’ exhortation Laudate Deum (…More
Franco Prodi, brother of former Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi and a leading atmospheric physicist in Italy, is embarrassed by the climate catastrophism of Francis’ exhortation Laudate Deum (LaNuovaBQ.it, November 16).
• There is no scientific consensus on climate catastrophism.
• Behind climate catastrophism is the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
• The IPCC claims that 97% of global warming is man-made which Prodi calls “an unprovable folly”.
• Science speaks of "variations in atmospheric composition" rather than “climate change”.
• Such variations can be natural (atmosphere-ocean interactions, atmosphere-biosphere interactions, volcanoes, water cycle) or man-made (greenhouse gases, aerosols, deforestation).
Quantification of man-made activity is impossible due to a lack of knowledge of important physical data.
• Today's climate studies are based more on politics than on science. • Researchers follow the IPCC for fear of losing their funding and positions. …More
Jan Joseph
Zeer correct verhaal, het gaat de klimaatactivisten dus alleen maar om status en geld. En paus Franciscus is onderdeel van dit systeem.
Opera 369
Franco Prodi is a great, logical man; nothing like his 'leftist' brother.
Everyday for Life Canada
The climate change that needs to take place is at the Vatican. After the title of Laudate Deum, the rest of the document goes spiritually downhill. It could easily have come from the UN or the WEF.
Tony M
What are Jorge's academic qualifications in Climate Science??????
Does he think he knows everything about everything??????
Tony M please don't underestimate anyone with a degree in freemasonic sciences from St Gallen Academy...
Pope Francis is in the hands of climate activists such as Jeffrey Sachs and Hans Schellnhuber (Potsdam). He himself has no accurate knowledge about the climate tenets. He speaks like a parrot of the IPCC and the WEF.
The catholic faithfuls don't care about what he says: The mission entrusted to Pope Francis by God is about saving souls, not saving the planet !!!