
Benedict Under Gänswein’s “Total Control” – Whistle-Blower Viganó

Archbishop Gänswein has been filtering all information destined for Benedict XVI since the beginning of his pontificate, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganó writes in LaVerita.info (January 16).

Viganó recalls how he once gave Gänswein documents regarding the corrupt management of the Pontifical Villas in preparation for an April 2011 audience with Benedict, but the documents never reached the pope.

The then Prefect of the Papal Household, Bishop James Harvey, told Viganó later: "Gänswein said to me: Bishop Viganò is the last person who can approach Pope Benedict!”

At the beginning of his pontificate, Benedict once pointed to Gänswein saying: "Gestapo! Gestapo!" Viganó writes.

He points at the determination with which Gänswein eliminated Benedict’s historic secretary Ingrid Stampa who had assisted Ratzinger for over a decade.

Later, Benedict often visited his previous particular secretary, Bishop Josef Clemens, inviting also Ingrid Stampa, in order to escape Gänswein’s control.


I find it hard to believe. Until now nothing was said about this archbishop, nothing demeaning. Why only now?
Unrepentant Jorge of the Pachamamas demanded it.
Thors Catholic Hammer
God bless Archbishop Viganò
Quite an accusation from ++Vigano. Does ++Ganswein have anything to say about it?
....Harvey [James M. cardinal] then added that at the beginning of the Pontificate, Benedict XVI, pointing at him [Gänswein] with his finger, exclaimed, "Gestapo! Gestapo!*"
This behavior of B16 reveals an amazing lack of seriousness of a man holding the Office of Saint Peter, as well as the lack of consistency. If B16 noticed Gaenswein's abuse of confidence, he should immediately throw him out. …More
....Harvey [James M. cardinal] then added that at the beginning of the Pontificate, Benedict XVI, pointing at him [Gänswein] with his finger, exclaimed, "Gestapo! Gestapo!*"
This behavior of B16 reveals an amazing lack of seriousness of a man holding the Office of Saint Peter, as well as the lack of consistency. If B16 noticed Gaenswein's abuse of confidence, he should immediately throw him out. Another factor aroused here: the personal emotional bond turned out to be stronger than the duties towards the Holy Office. Bishop Joseph Raztinger apparently was enchanted by the young German cleric in a well-cut cassock. Papa Raztinger seems to be susceptible to blackmail.
*Geheime Staatspolizei - Secret State Police in Germany in 1933-45. Is Archbishop Georg an agent of some secret police?
Louis XVI is a martyr of the faith and will be canonized in the era of peace, Cardinal R. who you allude to, was clinically insane, and Louis XIV who prayed the rosary every day tried to make amends for his earlier anti-clerical behavior, you sound like a socialist/marxist elbow!
Please do not dress Francis as the King of France, The King of France & Navarre was always the Protector of the Papacy. France is The Eldest Daughter Of The Church and further the Lily (the coming son of Louis IX) will re-establish the coming true pope and the Church after the storm. Many of us are highly insulted in your utilitarian approach to royalty, which is a God given form of government; …More
Please do not dress Francis as the King of France, The King of France & Navarre was always the Protector of the Papacy. France is The Eldest Daughter Of The Church and further the Lily (the coming son of Louis IX) will re-establish the coming true pope and the Church after the storm. Many of us are highly insulted in your utilitarian approach to royalty, which is a God given form of government; partially destroyed by satan and his orient/secret cults. Shame on you. The robe has the Lily of the BVM whom Francis has sidelined.
Gloria (TV)! Why do you dress this stray from Argentina in the majestic cloak of the arch-Christian King of France? This is an insult to the eldest Son of the Church and her eldest Daughter!
La Verità – 16 January 2020
Dear editor,
It is time to reveal the control that has been abusively and systematically exercised by Abp. Gänswein towards the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI, ever since the beginning of his pontificate.
Gänswein has habitually filtered information, assuming the right to judge for himself how much or how little to tell the Holy Father.
I can testify that, when Pope Benedict …More
La Verità – 16 January 2020
Dear editor,
It is time to reveal the control that has been abusively and systematically exercised by Abp. Gänswein towards the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI, ever since the beginning of his pontificate.
Gänswein has habitually filtered information, assuming the right to judge for himself how much or how little to tell the Holy Father.
I can testify that, when Pope Benedict received me in audience on April 4, 2011, a few days after I had sent him my first letter (later abusively published in the course of Vatileaks) I said to the Pontiff: "I will not speak to you about the situation of corruption in the administration of the Pontifical Villas, because I presume that you have already reviewed the Memorandum in this regard that I gave to your secretary for you, in view of this Audience."
The Holy Father, in all simplicity and innocence, and without showing any surprise, said "No, I have seen nothing."
I further testify another fact that reveals how much Abp. Gänswein controlled information given to the Holy Father and conditioned the liberty of action of the Same. On the occasion of the canonization of Marianne Cope and Kateri Tekakwitha, having requested in writing to the then-Prefect of the Papal Household, Msgr. James Harvey, to be received in an audience with the Pope, and not having received any response, I asked the Prefect, on October 23, 2012, why I had not received any response to my request for an audience.
I recall the circumstance perfectly, because Msgr. Harvey suggested to me that I would participate in the General Audience the following day, so as to at least be able to personally greet the Holy Father with the other bishops present. Msgr. Harvey responded with the following words: "Gänswein said to me: 'Monsignor Viganò is the last person who can approach Pope Benedict!'"
Harvey then added that at the beginning of the Pontificate, Benedict XVI, pointing at him [Gänswein] with his finger, exclaimed, "Gestapo! Gestapo!"
This unscrupulous attitude was shown from the very beginning of the pontificate in the determination with which Gänswein succeeded in distancing the Pope from his dear assistant and secretary Ingrid Stampa, whom then-Cdl. Ratzinger wanted at his side for well over a decade after the death of his sister, Maria Ratzinger.
And then I note that in order to escape from this total control exercised over his person by Gänswein, Pope Benedict often went to his previous personal secretary, Msgr. Josef Clemens, also inviting to said family meeting Ingrid Stampa.
I make this declaration following what has been asserted by Abp. Gänswein to the Ansa agency, in contradiction of what Pope Benedict himself wrote in the exchange of letters made with Cardinal Sarah. It is a sensational as well as slanderous insinuation towards the most eminent Cdl. Robert Sarah, promptly denied by the same.
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
Translated by Giuseppe Pellegrino