
Benedict Called Sarah, While Gänswein Was Away

Sandro Magister (February 12) writes that in the morning of January 15, Benedict called Cardinal Sarah, first at home, and then, because he was not there, at his office. A sorrowful Benedict expressed …More
Sandro Magister (February 12) writes that in the morning of January 15, Benedict called Cardinal Sarah, first at home, and then, because he was not there, at his office. A sorrowful Benedict expressed his solidarity with Sarah.
Simulteaneously, an unsuspecting Gänswein was sitting near Francis during a Wednesday audience.
A day earlier, Gänswein had caused an uproar by “denying” Benedict’s authorship of the Ratzinger/Sarah book.
During the phone call both, Benedict and Sarah, cried.
Then, on January 17, Sarah met Benedict twice at 5 p.m. and at 7 p.m.
Together, they wrote a short communiqué that Benedict wished to publish under his name alone, to express a full accord between the two co-authors.
Gänswein handed the statement to Deputy Secretary of State Edgar Peña, but the Vatican never published the text.
According to Magister, Benedict’s declaration was the reason why Francis fired Gänswein who appeared the last time in public on January 17. Francis understood that Gänswein’s denials …More
In short, Magister Reports that:
BXVI had to dodge Ganswein to call Sarah on January 15
They wept together on phone
BXVI met Sarah on January 17 and wrote a statement
The statement is being hidden by the Holy See even now
We're in a fool's market. Here is the truth: Bergoglio, Gänswein, Ratzinger, same fight, knowledge, destroy the Church!
What I am saying is shocking, but it is the truth for those who want to dig a little deeper, and it is a shocking piece of information that is not phony!
so, why is Ganswein still PBXVI's secretary? Maybe, both jobs (Papal Household and PBXVI's sec) were too time consuming. Evidence? this book got OUT........ Maybe, Ganswein's been told: This screws up my Amazon exhortation plans. Don't let anything else happen on your watch !
But what do I know............
Thors Catholic Hammer
Thus the malevolent will of antipope Bergolio shafts Pope Benedicts sinister house guard.
I have no sympathy for Ganswein.
Che's gaygestapo is watching on those who are against him.