I was one of those invited to sign this new statement publicly denouncing Pope Francis to the world’s Catholic bishops as a formal heretic. However, I declined, because I don’t think you can judge someone — especially a Pope! — to be a formal (i.e., pertinacious or obstinate) heretic without first hearing what he might have to say in his self-defense. That’s an elementary question of due process! …More
I was one of those invited to sign this new statement publicly denouncing Pope Francis to the world’s Catholic bishops as a formal heretic. However, I declined, because I don’t think you can judge someone — especially a Pope! — to be a formal (i.e., pertinacious or obstinate) heretic without first hearing what he might have to say in his self-defense. That’s an elementary question of due process!
The Church (via the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith) always does this with any theologian suspected of heresy, so how much more should the Pope himself be given a chance to explain himself before being publicly branded as formally heretical!

Why I Didn’t Sign The Open Letter Accusing The Pope Of Heresy

By FR. BRIAN W. HARRISON, OS (Editor’s Note: Fr. Brian W. Harrison, a noted theologian, offered the following comments about the open letter …
The formal process Fr. Brian considers fair to Bergolio will not protect the Church from his continuous, serious teaching contrary to Jesus biblical clarity. That is not fair to those led to perdition by him. It is not fair to Jesus who orders Peter to feed his lambs.
Silence=consenting. Denounce these heretics who fill our Church. St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle.
The Pope is not God. He is human. It's your duty as a Catholic to denounce those who destroy the faith. It's a sin of omission to not speak up.
How much more heretical things must Francis do until you speak up? Women priests and bishops? Sodomite marriage? Will you speak up then? That's where the church is headed.More
The Pope is not God. He is human. It's your duty as a Catholic to denounce those who destroy the faith. It's a sin of omission to not speak up.

How much more heretical things must Francis do until you speak up? Women priests and bishops? Sodomite marriage? Will you speak up then? That's where the church is headed.
Here we go round the mulberry bush,
The mulberry bush,
The mulberry bush.
Here we go round the mulberry bush
While Fran persists in erring.
Quoting Fr. Harrison: "Finally, supposing all this has been clarified and a really heretical opinion has been shown to have been taught by the suspect, it has to be seen if he/she still remains stubborn and obstinately refuses to retract and correct said opinion. Only if he/she remains obstinate can the Church then declare him/her to be a formal heretic, earning the canonical penalty for this crime." …More
Quoting Fr. Harrison: "Finally, supposing all this has been clarified and a really heretical opinion has been shown to have been taught by the suspect, it has to be seen if he/she still remains stubborn and obstinately refuses to retract and correct said opinion. Only if he/she remains obstinate can the Church then declare him/her to be a formal heretic, earning the canonical penalty for this crime."
Hasn't pope Francis been obstinate in his heresies of Amoris Leatitia? Most of the seven heretical statements in the letter of the theologians concern Amoris Leatitia and not "of the cuff" remarks of pope Francis.
I was quoting Fr. Harrison. I have added that on edit for clarity.
Quoting Fr. Brian Harrison: " I declined, because I don’t think you can judge someone — especially a Pope! — to be a formal (i.e., pertinacious or obstinate) heretic without first hearing what he might have to say in his self-defense. That’s an elementary question of due process!"
Jorge has only been sitting on the dubia for over two and a half years. Abp. Vigano also made his case public and …More
Quoting Fr. Brian Harrison: " I declined, because I don’t think you can judge someone — especially a Pope! — to be a formal (i.e., pertinacious or obstinate) heretic without first hearing what he might have to say in his self-defense. That’s an elementary question of due process!"

Jorge has only been sitting on the dubia for over two and a half years. Abp. Vigano also made his case public and Jorge chose to ignore it. He's had plenty chances to respond.
... you are not suggesting, are you, that he has not been given multiple opportunities, that it has not been asked of him multiple times, to explain himself? And so, how long do you wait for a response before...responding? Perhaps a better question is, what do you think would be a correct response at this time? I personally am not sure what I think of this open letter.