
Francis’ Advisor Recycles His Communism

The outdated Brazilian liberation theologian and former priest Leonardo Boff believes of late that man is "the great threat to life." In his new book Una ecología integral, Boff re-interprets the “…More
The outdated Brazilian liberation theologian and former priest Leonardo Boff believes of late that man is "the great threat to life."
In his new book Una ecología integral, Boff re-interprets the “option for the poor" which was trendy until the 1989 fall of Soviet Communism. Now, for him "the great poor" is the "earth" which is "the most violated, the most persecuted.”
Thus, Boff moved from an outdated Communist theology to an outdated Communist environmentalism.
Francis calls Boff “dear brother”. They correspond per mail and inspire each other.
Picture: © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsYenqpqzoym
Basic tenet of all leftist ideologies, including environmentalism: man is "the great threat to life." In essence, they're anti-human as is their diabolical inspiration.
The elite globalists are not about social justice: it's population control. Get rid of the common man who is a " great threat to (their elitist) life" especially as the old and the infirm, and the surplus of children take from their dystopian playground and burden the governments. If Covid doesn't do it, then something else will be next.
Maria Pocs
Let’s all get morally-compromised vaccines so that we can go out and save the common home together through never-ending, prayer-less, social justice projects; meanwhile the souls entrusted to your care starve spiritually as we approach Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell.