
Lapsed Priest Now Living as Transvestite

The dirt-newspaper DailyMail.co.uk presented on July 11 a lapsed British Catholic priest, 37, who now calls himself “Alisha Cacace,” dresses as a woman, and lives on the territory of Portsmouth diocese. …More
The dirt-newspaper DailyMail.co.uk presented on July 11 a lapsed British Catholic priest, 37, who now calls himself “Alisha Cacace,” dresses as a woman, and lives on the territory of Portsmouth diocese.
Cacace left the priesthood after six years. He takes female hormones to foster some outward illusion that he is a “woman”.
His problems go back to his childhood. Cacace was brought up in a dysfunctional family. Later he became a priest. After having frequented gay bars, he abandoned the priesthood.
The article shows a picture of his daughter Abbie which, looking at her approximate age, Cacace must have fathered before entering priestly formation and becoming a homosexual.
So if he was a woman this whole time his Orders were invalid to begin with and he never was a priest, and every absolution he granted in confession and every mass he offered were invalid. Right?
Of course not. He's not a woman. He's never been a woman. He'll never be a woman. What he needs is competent mental health care, which doesn't exist because that branch of what was formerly known as "science …More
So if he was a woman this whole time his Orders were invalid to begin with and he never was a priest, and every absolution he granted in confession and every mass he offered were invalid. Right?

Of course not. He's not a woman. He's never been a woman. He'll never be a woman. What he needs is competent mental health care, which doesn't exist because that branch of what was formerly known as "science" has been compromised. What was once a tool to pursue the truth of the temporal realm, has been co-opted as a tool to validate lies.

More important than that, how does this not point to an either scandalously derelict failure of screening of seminarians, or more likely, an out and out desire on the part of the sodomite infiltration of the priesthood to admit and ordain more and more of the near hopelessly confused like this poor sap.

It's an attack on the holy priesthood and thereby the flock, and on Holy Mother Church. And we all know who is behind that.
Even while supposedly serving God, "Father" Alisha was already plucking his eyebrows and wearing lipstick. He'd "lapsed" long before he started cross-dressing or whatnot.
Holy Cannoli
Transsexual not 'merely' transvestite. Just when I thought this case is something new, I found this.