
Scotland: Scandal Appointment

Priests of Glasgow Archdiocese have raised concerns with the Spanish-born London Nuncio Miguel Maury Buendía, 67, a non-entity, about the Scottish Bishops' plan to appoint Father David Wallace as the next Rector of the Royal Scots College in Salamanca, Spain.

Patricia McKeever reports on Gloria.tv (August 21) that Wallace, a parish priest in Cardonald, has reportedly been in a long-standing homosex relationship with another priest, “His situation is well known among the clergy in the archdiocese and has been so for several years.”

The priests told the nuncio that Wallace's appointment was a major scandal which, if confirmed, would bring further shame on the Church and the priesthood.

The Scottish College in Spain is for prospective students who spend a few preparatory months there before entering the seminary in Rome.

Picture: Miguel Maury Buendia, Vatican Media, #newsCsfohvklmi

Sandy Barrett
It is brave and meritorious to bring this scandal to light. The Italian version has 2 clicks from the Vatican. They better take notice.
Patricia McKeever
@Sandy Barrett
Thank you for that information, Sandy. I agree - the Vatican MUST act on these scandals. Forlorn hope...More
@Sandy Barrett

Thank you for that information, Sandy. I agree - the Vatican MUST act on these scandals. Forlorn hope...
4 clicks now from the Vatican.
English Catholic
@Patricia McKeever The Italian version has 11 Vatican clicks now.
Sally Dorman
As @Patricia McKeever wrote: We need to pray and to write some protest. However, at this point, they just continue their scandals anyway.
Patricia McKeever
@Sally Dorman
Yes, there will always BE scandals - Our Lord told us as much. However, that does not change the fact that we have the duty to correct and warn, that is our prophetic duty as Confirmed Soldiers of Christ. And who was it (St Ignatius, I think) who exhorted us to work as though everything depended on our actions and then pray as if everything depended on God.More
@Sally Dorman

Yes, there will always BE scandals - Our Lord told us as much. However, that does not change the fact that we have the duty to correct and warn, that is our prophetic duty as Confirmed Soldiers of Christ. And who was it (St Ignatius, I think) who exhorted us to work as though everything depended on our actions and then pray as if everything depended on God.
Jan Joseph
Alle priesters behoren openlijk voor hun sexuele gevoelens uit te komen. Alleen mannen met hetero sexuele gevoelens kunnen priesters worden.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Why is anyone surprised or shocked? This is just the kind of priest Francis loves....after all, he has at least 3 actice, well-known homosexual priests among his inner circle of bishop advisors, and I would not be surprised if Tucho Fernandez is another one. I hope no one expects this prospective appointment to be cancelled. I don't.
English Catholic
It seems that the ordination of 'gay' men and placing them in key positions is rapidly becoming the norm. And 99.9% of the falling-asleep sheep in the pews do or say nothing. @Patricia McKeever has put the Scottish Bishops Conference address in her article. I have also found the Spanish Bishops Conference address as well: Spain – Consiglio Conferenze Episcopali Europee
GJA Taylor
My goodness and the Archbishop of Glasgow agrees with this? How we laughed!
Actually, and very sadly, it’s been the “norm” for quite some time now…for centuries. It hasn’t just started. The origin of the Priesthood’s poisonous infection by the abomination of sodomy and sodomites harks back to medieval times. And it grew and festered enormously during the Renaissance.
English Catholic
@SonoftheChurch I wasn't suggesting that this was a purely modern day phenomenon. Clearly not, otherwise St Peter Damian wouldn't have written the Liber Gomorrhianus, circa AD 1051. My previous comment is merely suggesting that the same vice is probably higher now amongst the priesthood than it's been for a while.
No…it’s just been covered and hidden better in times past than it is now. It has always festered in darkness just below the surface out of sight and, consequently, out of mind. Previously, even in the most libertine sectors of society it was frowned upon; but in today’s corrupt and godless culture, it’s more openly accepted, thus, sodomite Priests are unafraid and unashamed to expose their filth …More
No…it’s just been covered and hidden better in times past than it is now. It has always festered in darkness just below the surface out of sight and, consequently, out of mind. Previously, even in the most libertine sectors of society it was frowned upon; but in today’s corrupt and godless culture, it’s more openly accepted, thus, sodomite Priests are unafraid and unashamed to expose their filth and perversions, which makes it falsely appear to be far more prevalent today.
Patricia McKeever
@Chat Chartreux
Well said.More
@Chat Chartreux

Well said.