
Cardinal Criticises Francis-Conscience

During an April 13 talk in Rome, Cardinal Burke criticised a notion of "conscience" used [by Francis] “to justify sinful acts”. (LaNuovaBq.it). He unmasked a concept of "conscience" as a "subjective …More
During an April 13 talk in Rome, Cardinal Burke criticised a notion of "conscience" used [by Francis] “to justify sinful acts”. (LaNuovaBq.it). He unmasked a concept of "conscience" as a "subjective dimension" that constitutes the ultimate instance of decision whereas conscience is man's ability to discern the objective truth in religion and morality. "Man does not create himself" but "possesses a nature which he must respect and cannot manipulate at will,” Burke said.
Picture: Raymond Burke © Joseph Shaw, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsLbodpyxqau
If he did demand Francis to retract his heresies he would have to apologies to SSPX. He painted himself into a corner under false obedience. Francis is just following the logical conclusion of Vatican II.
Cardinal Martini was never reigned in . Jesuits Faith vs Catholic faith guess who winning.
Tony M
Cardina Burke it is long past time for you to clearly identify all the heresies Jorge Bergoglio has declared from the Chair of Peter. Not a single one of them has been withdrawn. Time to stop whinging about them as they occur .....but rather do something about it by bringing on an imperfect council which would examine all of the Canon Laws and Apostolic Constitution laws broken in the process of …More
Cardina Burke it is long past time for you to clearly identify all the heresies Jorge Bergoglio has declared from the Chair of Peter. Not a single one of them has been withdrawn. Time to stop whinging about them as they occur .....but rather do something about it by bringing on an imperfect council which would examine all of the Canon Laws and Apostolic Constitution laws broken in the process of Jorge coming to the Chair of Peter... to then declare that he is not the Pope & never has been.....and thus stop the unrestrained destruction of our beloved Catholic Church with which Bergoglio is proceeding full steam ahead. As an elite level Canon Lawyer you are very, very well qualified to do the job of examining all of the laws potentially & most probably broken. Cardinal Burke we need your very highly qualified help in this matter of Bergoglio's validity. Please help us. Pleeeeease help us!!!!
Tony M
I understand, as you do also Cardinal Burke, that even if Bergoglio was validly elected, he cannot possibly be Pope now because of his scandalously heretical, blasphemous, pachamama worshipping performance from the Chair of peter over the last 10 years. But of course there is an overwhelming case for an invalid election in the first place.
It would be very merciful to admonish the man by speaking truth to face that his conscience is not right but depraved and evil.
"My conscience is clear, but that does not vindicate me. It is the Lord who judges me. " 1 Cor. 4:4