
Cardinal Schönborn Manipulates Pachamama, Defends Own Homosex Actions

The Pachamama statues at the Amazon Synod allegedly symbolised a pregnant woman, who as Mother Earth and as Mother of Life "has her natural place in Christianity", the pro-homosexual Viennese Cardinal Christoph Schönborn told Furche.at (December 19) in an attempt to fool them. According to him, the integration of pagan elements into Christianity goes without saying.

However, at the Synod such an "integration" never happened.

With the help of the individual case trick, Schönborn calls abolishing celibacy “conceivable.”

Then, he insisted that his November 30 homosexual spectacle was a "very correct endeavour."

He said that the "right approach" to homosexuality is important for the Church, but added: "I resolutely plead not to look first at the sexual orientation, but at the human quality."

Schönborn's November 30 show placed precisely the "sexual orientation" at the centre.

He repeated the worn-out slogan of the homosex lobby, according to which God does not ask about "sexual orientation," but wants to know how one behaves in front of other people.

In reality, God asks for both while strongly condemning a "homosexual orientation."


Total complete homoheretic apostate.
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle
the time will come for him to see his maker
Frà Alexis Bugnolo
An idol has its natural place in Christianity? This man is evil.
Poor man. He is under the rule of Satan and his handlers.
Thors Catholic Hammer
Schonburn like " pope" francis is not a catholic.
Because both of them in their statements and writings have been proved to despise core catholic teachings on marriage and the sacraments.
Amoris Laetitiae is contrary to the clear teaching of Christ in the NT and God in the OT.
Catholics are being advised to entirely avoid both .
No different religion under here.