
“Franciscans International” Send Pachamama Christmas Greetings

The NGO Franciscans International (FI) which is accredited at the UN since 1989, sends out Pachamama themed Christmas greetings.

FI was founded by the different Franciscans Orders and operates under the sponsorship of the “Conference of the Franciscan Family."

The Christmas greetings are signed by German Father Markus Heinze OFM, the FI Executive Director.

He explains that the picture shows on one side Our Lady who is honoured as the new Eve and as "Mother of Life," and on the other side a pregnant Pachamama, "whom some indigenous peoples honour as the ‘earth mother’.“

In his confused text, Heinze gives the impression as if Pachamama were Elizabeth and her child John the Baptist.


They assured us those statues weren’t Pachamama...
Then that the Pachamama wasn't worshipped...
Then that it wasn’t idolatry...
Frà Alexis Bugnolo
Everything that comes out of the mouth of a Marxist or Satanist is a lie.
Gesù è con noi
Pachamama, "whom some indigenous peoples honour as the ‘earth mother’.“Markus Heinze failed to say that some apostates, including him, also adore that idol. www.infag.de
Gesù è con noi
Canon 1364 says that those who practice idolatry are immediately separated from the Church without any declaration of any Bishop or court or Synod being necessary to determine it.
That Card is the most vile card I have yet to see.
Our Lady Of Guadalupe Pray for us.
Disgusting and evil.
Send them a nice Christmas gift to the heretic Franciscans. I suggest $0.00.
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle.
The usual Francis blasphemy.
Its a disgrace that the clergy are deceiving the faithful
Frà Alexis Bugnolo
They are implying that Our Lady is visiting the mother of the Antichrist
Frà Alexis Bugnolo
500 years ago the authors of such a Christmas Card would have been burned at an Autodafe to the cheers of everyone in town.
IDOLATRY. They have no fear of God. The next step is to say the Blessed Mother PRAYED to the Pachamama to get pregnant! May Mary help us!
Thors Catholic Hammer
When a lying semi pagan apostate and formally heretical priest like Jorge Bergoglio SJ is uncanonically elected to the Chair of St . Peter then anything is possible.
Pray that the real pope Benedict xvi will do something before it is too late.
Frà Alexis Bugnolo
They actually say there it's Our Lady visiting pachamama.
Amazing how fast the idolatry has spread.
Thors Catholic Hammer
The once great Franciscan Order lost its way some years ago.
Now they are just another non descript outfit no different to any common or garden NGO.
Worse than useless even dangerous in places.
The most dangerous of the order priests are the Jesuits who are quite intelligent but lack any steering theological rudder.
Most of them will run after anything that moves.
Frà Alexis Bugnolo
It seems to us that the idolatry has spread fast, but it simply reveals that many of these liberals have long been worshipping Satan in secret
Frà Alexis Bugnolo
In the Franciscan Order, we have an ancient prophecy, that the AntiChrist will be a Franciscan. So this Christmas Card is at once no surprise, but also very disturbing.