
Schönborn: “No Reason For Anyone" To Be Scandalised About Pachamamas

Vienna Cardinal Schönborn sat during the Synod in front of a Pachamama idol, but told EWTN that he “never found this scandalous” (October 26, video below).

Schönborn presented the idol as a "pregnant woman," a symbol of life and of the pro-life cause although he has consistently defended Austrian abortion rights.

His irenic disposition was only shattered by the removal of the idols from Santa Maria in Traspontina. He vilified this heroic deed as "scandalous" and "outrageous".

EWTN journalist Jason Calvi objected that the statuettes were treated like an idol, prostrations included.

At this point, Schönborn feigned ignorance, “I have not seen that.”

On October 26, a Pachamama idol was the centrepiece of a pagan vigil in Santa Maria in Traspontina church.


Promotes evil ,should not be cardinal
Up next... "Why all the fuss over Baal and Moloch?"
San Andreas
This is the cardinal Schönborn of my hometown, Vienna, and I'm not proud of him. I have seen all the footage of the idol worship and have grave concerns of my church that I love.
resist reject refuse evil idiologies
Of course it's not scandalous to an apostate traitor ENEMY OF CHRIST!
Hier ein Bild der Verehrung mit Kerzen
And yet people prostrate before it, what are they doing? In what way is Pachamama different from Diana of the Ephesians?
Another minion of Antipope Francis; cardcarrying member of the Homosexual Network Strangling the Church. And an evil clown Cardinal.