Prominent Jesuit Priest Says Good Catholics Can Be Pro-Choice
Catholics can support a woman’s right to kill her unborn child in good conscience declared Jesuit Father Pat Conroy in an interview published Wednesday in the Washington Post.

Prominent Jesuit Priest: Good Catholics Can Be Pro-Choice

Catholics can support a woman’s right to kill her unborn child in good conscience declared Jesuit Father Pat Conroy in an interview published …
Facts Not Lies
I am not too enamored actions of some of the Jesuits...
...proving once again just because one religious leader says something, he does not speak for everyone sharing that faith.
chris griffin
Ultraviolet… it is much worse than “he does not speak for everyone sharing that faith”. The condemnation of abortion is equal in authority as the founding of the Church by Christ and all the Marian doctrines. That Jesuit Priest has denied an infallible doctrine of the Catholic Church, declared by Evangelium Vitae.
@chris griffiin Yes, it is quite worse. I was making a tangential reference to a common error promoted here on GTV by certain agenda-peddlars while still focusing on the topic at hand.
Angelo Santelli
Conroy, if he said this, is a God damned fool. How did he ever pass the exams for Holy Orders, and how inane were his superiors in not seeing what he was? But then again Bergoglio is a Jesuit like Conroy and look at what an embarrassment he is to the Church-- more than an embarrassment. He is like the one of the pigs that Christ drove into Genneserat.
Jesuits also say many other apostate things
A choice is ,should I eat an orange or an apple That is a choice ,Yes God gave us a will to choose right or wrong ,good or evil ,iam sure God want us to choose good ,all the time .
No they can not .Jesus said you can not serve two gods ,either love on and hate the other ,Killing a babie in the womb is not from God ( and a good catholic does not want to offend God) ,it is from the evil one ,these priests are teaching heresy
chris griffin
This is abortion…
Attempted murder of Jesus Christ
whatever you do to the least of these you do to me Matt 25:40
Abortion is hatred of God all those who love death hate God Prov 8:36
Abortion is todays child sacrifice to Satan Jer 7:31, 19:5, 32:35, Lev 18:21, 20:1-3
Abortion is todays Massacre of the Holy Innocents Matt 2:16
If she kills her baby then God will kill her Ex 22:22-24
Same sin as SatanMore
This is abortion…

Attempted murder of Jesus Christ
whatever you do to the least of these you do to me Matt 25:40

Abortion is hatred of God all those who love death hate God Prov 8:36

Abortion is todays child sacrifice to Satan Jer 7:31, 19:5, 32:35, Lev 18:21, 20:1-3

Abortion is todays Massacre of the Holy Innocents Matt 2:16

If she kills her baby then God will kill her Ex 22:22-24

Same sin as Satan murderer from the beginning of her baby’s life John 8:44

Same sin as Judas betrays innocent baby blood Matt 27:4

Same sin as Cain murder of an innocent blood relative Gen 4:8

It is the crime of LYING IN WAIT which is first degree murder. Surprise murderous attack on her own baby with malice aforethought for days or weeks. Ps 10:8, Prov 1:11 & 12:6, Deut 19:11

Nobody in the Bible was ever forgiven of baby murder, much less murder by the mother herself, much less abortion. 2 Kings 24:4

…and 40 more
Saint Ignatius of Loyola, ora pro nobis.