
French Caricatures: “Defaming A Religion Is Not a Sign of Mental Wellness”

For Rajshahi Bishop Gervas Rozario, the vice-president of the Bangladesh Bishops, the French magazine Charlie Hebdo “committed an unforgivable injustice” by re-publishing its caricatures of MuhammadMore
For Rajshahi Bishop Gervas Rozario, the vice-president of the Bangladesh Bishops, the French magazine Charlie Hebdo “committed an unforgivable injustice” by re-publishing its caricatures of Muhammad (UCANews.com, November 3).
It was even more frustrating, Rozario noted, that French President Macron said, “Never give up cartoons.” Rozario countered, “Let us learn to respect each other's religion.”
Mufti Ainul Islam, an Islamic scholar in Dhaka, commented, “Not as a Muslim but as a human being, I believe defaming any religion is not a sign of mental wellness.”
comfort ye
NEVER GIVE UP CARTOONS!!!!! and God bless all court jesters and the child who cries out:"The Emperor has no clothes! 🥳