Cardinal: Francis Undermining the Virtuous Life Of Homosexuals

Cardinal Edwin O'Brien, 84, the former Archbishop of Baltimore, Maryland, has signed a petition urging bishops to ban the "blessing" of homosexual concubines. More than 22,000 people …More
Cardinal Edwin O'Brien, 84, the former Archbishop of Baltimore, Maryland, has signed a petition urging bishops to ban the "blessing" of homosexual concubines.
More than 22,000 people have signed the petition. Cardinal O'Brien helped found the Catholic apostolate "Courage" in 1980 to support people who want to overcome homosexual temptations and live in chastity and the grace of God.
The Cardinal is disappointed with Francis' propaganda piece "Fiducia Supplicans", which "seriously undermines" the commitment of homosexuals to live a life of virtue and "in full conformity with sound Church teaching".
Homosexuals are "badly served" by the "ambiguous" Fiducia Supplicans, the cardinal said.
Picture: Edwin O'Brien © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsKofemfynog
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Mary Louise Veritas
Anyone who knows the background of Cardinal O'Brien will fall over in laughter at this post. He and his buddy Cardinal Dolan are cut from the same cloth. And they were both rectors at the North American College in Rome, that den of homosexual perversion.
Wilma Lopez
@Mary Louise Veritas Maybe he knows practically why homosexually is a bad idea
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@Mary Louise Veritas Thanks for the Information.
Simon North
@Mary Louise Veritas Thank you. You are very astute.