
Homosexual Acts Are "Disordered", "Unnatural" and Leading to Hell – Cardinal Müller

Homosexual contacts "completely and directly contradict the sense and purpose of sexuality", Cardinal Gerhard Müller told LifeSiteNews.com on November 22. He described homosexual acts as “fornication …More
Homosexual contacts "completely and directly contradict the sense and purpose of sexuality", Cardinal Gerhard Müller told LifeSiteNews.com on November 22.
He described homosexual acts as “fornication”, an “expression of a disordered desire and instinct” and a “grave sin which excludes a person from the Kingdom of God” [i.e. leads to hell].
Müller added that sexual acts outside of marriage are an abuse, and amount to fornication while compared to this, homosexual acts constitute an “unnatural intensification of sin”.
Fornication is a mortal sin which "no power on earth can declare to be morally neutral” and that the condemnation of homosexuality is not relativized by the worldly acceptance of it - the cardinal added.
Picture: Gerhard Ludwig Müller, © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-SA, #newsPwwdfknnrq
Ms. Frizzle
In a time of utter confusion, praise God to hear some truth... THANK YOU SO MUCHMore

In a time of utter confusion, praise God to hear some truth... THANK YOU SO MUCH
Biblical Christianity (and the writings of the early Church Fathers who had recourse to the teachings of the Disciples) state that homosexuality is an abominable sin detested by Christ who is "the same as the Father" and OBEDIENT to His law,which He helped Him create.
If there was no unity of will between Christ, the H:S and the Father, ie: If they were NOT of the same mind - there would be a …More
Biblical Christianity (and the writings of the early Church Fathers who had recourse to the teachings of the Disciples) state that homosexuality is an abominable sin detested by Christ who is "the same as the Father" and OBEDIENT to His law,which He helped Him create.
If there was no unity of will between Christ, the H:S and the Father, ie: If they were NOT of the same mind - there would be a permanent WAR in Heaven.

Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.) He, along with the Father and the Holy Ghost (according to St Augustine) visited Abraham, ate a meal with him, and then proceeded to Sodom to rain fire on it from Heaven.

"The Lord (Son) rained down fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah, from THE LORD (Father) in Heaven. As it says in the Douay Rheims Genesis 19:24

So whom is THIS NEW JESUS who disagrees totally with the REAL Jesus and is seeking to upstage Him and replace HIM in the eyes of the World? - clearly not the real one.
The basis of the Teachings of the entire FORCE of Christianity - is upon the Scriptures (RC's include the writings of the students of the Disciples- ie Sacred Tradition) Christ is TRUE God, from TRUE God, so where do these followers of a gay friendly agenda gain the authority to preach that The Lord God has altered His former judgement and is now saying "Yes" to homosexual sin?

NOWHERE! They are just deceivers. Satan is trying to bring down Christianity and damn souls and these foul depraved men are helping him do it. Christ says he will do so in Sacred Scripture and the apostasy within the Church that is happening NOW - is forewarned in many apparitions approved by the Holy Church.

Thank you Cardinal Muller
Get your Job back soon -
Wonderful to hear a Cardinal speak the truth.
God bless Cardinal Muller for this. Consider "The Role of Marriage in the Divine Will": www.youtube.com/watch
Cadinal Muller is right ,God bless him
About Wucherpfennig: "This is an example of how the authority of the Roman Church undermines itself ... If this priest calls the blessing of homosexual relationships the result of a further development of doctrine ... it is nothing but the presence of atheism in Christianity."
Müller: "The LGBT ideology is based upon a false anthropology which denies God as the Creator. Since it is in principle atheistic or perhaps has only to do with a Christian concept of God at the margins, it has no place in Church documents... creeping influence of atheism in the Church."
Joseph a' Christian
Well stated Kardinal Gerhard. The world is absurd, vile.
Our Lord’s Sacrifice For Man, Is The Purity Of His precious Blood. Jesus Is The Unblemished Lamb.
Seeing Our Holy Messiah: Faithful, Steadfast John Baptist Stated, “Behold, The Lamb Of God.”
Müller: “Amoris Laetitia has to be absolutely in accordance with Revelation, and it is not we who have to be in accord with Amoris Laetitia, at least not in the interpretation which contradicts, in a heretical manner, the Word of God."