
Hatred for the Mass: Details on Francis’ Attack on France’s Best Diocese

LeFigaro.fr (June 2) has details on Francis’ decision to forbid the June ordinations of six deacons and four priests in famous Fréjus-Toulon Diocese (600’000 Catholics), three weeks (!) before they were supposed to happen. No new date was set. Toulon Bishop Dominique Rey, 69, has been the local ordinary for 22 years. Highlights.

• Rey – a member of the charismatic Emmanuel Community - has transformed his diocese into a laboratory of evangelisation by welcoming priests from all over the world, as well as some thirty French and foreign communities without fearing diversity and Roman Rite Communities.

• Rey’s seminary (fifty seminarians) is the biggest diocesan seminary in France.

• Priestly vocations have been at the centre of Rey’s action.

• Tiny Toulon has 250 active priests (Paris: 500): 75% are under 64 years old, 30% under 44.

• A source close to Rey called the Roman decision “brutal” stressing that the ordinandi “do not pose any difficulty.”

• A 2021 visitation by Marseilles’ Neo-Cardinal Aveline was motivated by the 2020 reorganisation of the seminary. The then-director was unhappy about his replacement and accused Rey in Rome of a “traditionalist drift.” Rome was only too happy to oblige.

• Another issue is the reception of seminarians from outside the diocese which causes the envy of other French bishops and is an open accusation of those [anti-Catholic] bishops whose seminarians run away from them.

• A well-placed source explains Francis’ brutal approach with "Bishop Rey's openness to the traditionalist option which has now been targeted and fought for a year throughout the Church of France on the orders of Rome and the Pope."

The end of this is predictable: the removal of Bishop Rey and bringing the diocese into line.


Ursula Sankt
In a seemingly unprecedented move, the Vatican has asked a flourishing diocese in France to put a halt on priestly ordinations scheduled for the end of the month but gave no formal reason for the decision.
Wilma Lopez shares this
The Vatican has asked a diocese in southern France to suspend its ordinations of priests and deacons scheduled for this month after a “fraternal visit” of the diocese.
Hieruit blijkt maar weer eens dat er voor de gelovigen en priesters die geloven in het Universele Tridentijnse, Romeinse, Rooms Katholieke geloof van voor het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie geen plaats is in de huidige Rooms Katholieke kerk van paus Franciscus. Een overstap naar de Pius X broederschap is de enige optie. Paus Franciscus is de Paus die de geschiedenis ingaat als de Paus die een eeuwig …More
Hieruit blijkt maar weer eens dat er voor de gelovigen en priesters die geloven in het Universele Tridentijnse, Romeinse, Rooms Katholieke geloof van voor het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie geen plaats is in de huidige Rooms Katholieke kerk van paus Franciscus. Een overstap naar de Pius X broederschap is de enige optie. Paus Franciscus is de Paus die de geschiedenis ingaat als de Paus die een eeuwig durende schisma veroorzaakte in de Rooms Katholieke kerk.
They need to pull a “lefebvre” and ordain them anyway!
John A Cassani
As appealing as that seems, it wouldn’t do the men any favors.
Time for true Catholics to obey Our Lord, rather than men -- and use their vocation for the salvation of souls, which is the supreme law of the Church. And, yes, Archbishop Lefebvre led the way -- for this time of apostasy in which we are now living ~~~~
Credo .
"O Lord" grant us priests; "O Lord" grant us holy priests, "O Lord" grant us many holy priests; "O Lord" grant us many holy religious vocations. Saint Pius X "Ora pro nobis".
The Church is suffering; She is trampled on, and her enemies are within. Let us not abandon her - Cardinal Robert Sarah