
Dishonest Vatican Gets Ready For Next Attack On Catholic Morals

The Vatican’s June 22-26 World Meeting of Families will introduce the concept of "Amoris Laetitia family," a euphemism for adultery and homosex.

At a May 31 press conference (video sequence below), Giuseppe Rusconi from RossoPorpora.org asked whether the propaganda term "rainbow families" will be accepted and homosex flags will be seen during the meeting.

Gabriella Gambino, undersecretary of the Dicastery for the Laity, replied evasively saying that the meeting is dedicated to “the Amoris Laetitia family” and is about promoting a "truly accompanying" pastoral approach towards "everyone.” In this context, "everyone" means every evildoer and is excluding every Catholic.

Gambino was also speaking about “an attitude of [false] mercy” and pontificated that "there are no recipes for all situations” implying that vice becomes the rule.

LaNuovaBq.it translates Gambino's clericalese saying that the meeting will promote homosexualism, but "for now, in order not to create strong reactions, we cannot say everything explicitly."


But the Catechism says.
Servant Of Divine Mercy
The false part of the church within the vatican (there are some good shepherds though like Cardinal Burke, etc) will do the most evil attack, sacrilege by removing the Eucharist or making sacrilege changes in the Consecration. The Eucharist is the source of life that a Baptised Catholic needs to make it to Heaven. These bad shepherds will make other sacrilege changes causing scandal to the True, …More
The false part of the church within the vatican (there are some good shepherds though like Cardinal Burke, etc) will do the most evil attack, sacrilege by removing the Eucharist or making sacrilege changes in the Consecration. The Eucharist is the source of life that a Baptised Catholic needs to make it to Heaven. These bad shepherds will make other sacrilege changes causing scandal to the True, Original, One, Holy and Apostolic Catholic Church with it's faithful Shepherds like Cardinal Burke and others.
The concept of "accompany" has no origin in the scriptures or tradition of the early Church. The strongest mandates are to "announce" and to "teach" . The apostles did not "accompany" the pharisees and sadducees" in their failure to recognise Christ as the Son of God. They and the early Christians suffered martyrdom rather than water down the "kerygma".
Wilma Lopez
The Devil knows our names but calls us by our sins. The Lord knows our sins but calls us by our names.
"The deadly errors intentionally embedded in Amoris Laetitia are now coming to fruition." So are the ones in Misericordia et misera. Same Pope signed both. @Ave Crux . "Time marches on.... We live in the present, not in your past." Those are your words, and you're quite happy with Francis -when it suits you. So keep waving your cheer-leader pom-poms for a Pope who rots out the family just like …More
"The deadly errors intentionally embedded in Amoris Laetitia are now coming to fruition." So are the ones in Misericordia et misera. Same Pope signed both. @Ave Crux . "Time marches on.... We live in the present, not in your past." Those are your words, and you're quite happy with Francis -when it suits you. So keep waving your cheer-leader pom-poms for a Pope who rots out the family just like he did the clergy back in 2016.
It was "troo Pope BXVI" who granted those faculties to the schismatic SSPX in the first place. Too bad you forgot that, Novus Ordo Jimmy. Or maybe you just turn your "outrage" on an off the way Ave Crux does.
"Heretics are heretics because they believe and preach things contrary to the Church."
...not as The Church defines "heresy", as you well know since I've been correcting that error from you …More
It was "troo Pope BXVI" who granted those faculties to the schismatic SSPX in the first place. Too bad you forgot that, Novus Ordo Jimmy. Or maybe you just turn your "outrage" on an off the way Ave Crux does.

"Heretics are heretics because they believe and preach things contrary to the Church."

...not as The Church defines "heresy", as you well know since I've been correcting that error from you for at least three years now. Poor Jimmy... still as stubborn and as stupid as ever. You never change.
“...there are absolutely no grounds for considering homosexual unions to be in any way similar or even remotely analogous to God’s plan for marriage and family." - Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev
Ja natuurlijk de organisatie van de Rooms Katholieke kerk is de grootste homo club ter wereld.
Pity poor women like the person in this video, who has sold her soul to the devil and the corrupt clergy around her, in order to gain a position of power within the Church. What we need is true women, who will stand up for Our Lord and stand with Him at the foot of the Cross, once again, while the Church is undergoing its passion and crucifixion - at the hands of apostate clergy of all ranks.
Ave Crux
So now we have a new kind of "family"....? Not the kind of family as defined by the laws of God? This is clear, ongoing apostasy -- the no-longer-"Silent apostasy" lamented by John Paul II. The deadly errors intentionally embedded in Amoris Laetitia are now coming to fruition and will be used to give legitimization by the Catholic Church to all sorts of moral aberrations.
It is the same with the …
So now we have a new kind of "family"....? Not the kind of family as defined by the laws of God? This is clear, ongoing apostasy -- the no-longer-"Silent apostasy" lamented by John Paul II. The deadly errors intentionally embedded in Amoris Laetitia are now coming to fruition and will be used to give legitimization by the Catholic Church to all sorts of moral aberrations.

It is the same with the deadly errors embedded in the deliberately ambiguous documents of Vatican II that have been used to slowly deconstruct the Catholic Faith. Archbishop Lefebvre will one day be Canonized; he repeatedly warned all of this would take place.
This woman, and all working with her on this demonic perversion of the human family, is on her way to hell - and taking many others with her -- she would be better off having a millstone tied around her neck and thrown into a well, than lead so many souls astray - Matthew 18:6