
Two strange coincidences / further connections regarding the Fatima Apparitions that links them with …

From the Fatima website.... (link below) "In August 1931, due to illness, Sister Lucy was staying with a friend at Rianjo, Spain, a small maritime city near Pontevedra, to rest and recover. It was in …More
From the Fatima website.... (link below)
"In August 1931, due to illness, Sister Lucy was staying with a friend at Rianjo, Spain, a small maritime city near Pontevedra, to rest and recover. It was in the Chapel here that the Messenger of Fatima was once again given a communication from Heaven. Our Lord complained to Sister Lucy of the tardiness of His ministers who delay the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, as requested by Our Lady of Fatima on June 13, 1929 at Tuy, two years and two months earlier. Sister Lucy reported to her Bishop the important revelation:
"My Confessor ordered me to inform Your Excellency about what happened a little while ago, between our Good God and myself: As I was asking God for the conversion of Russia, Spain and Portugal, it seemed that His Divine Majesty said to me:
‘You console Me a great deal in asking Me for the conversion of those poor Nations: Request it also of My Mother, while saying to Her often: "Sweet Heart of Mary, be the …More
Live Mike
Jeffrey Ade shares this
Edifying read on Our Lady of Fatima, and the Hundred year warning!
Es liegt auch viel an uns, daß wir täglich um die Bekehrung der Politiker beten. Ich bete für Putin, Orban, Selenski, Lukaschenko, Olaf Scholz und andere deutsche Politiker, daß sie sich bekehren und den Willen Gottes tun oder aber verschwinden.
Jeffrey Ade
@Eugenia-Sarto Yes you are right. We have a prayer for our country's leaders in some of the pre 1962 missals for our country. The love of Christ wouldn't exclude any of these politicians to repentance and conversion. We shouldn't let our feelings keep us for praying for them! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Ja, die Muttergottes von Fatima wird noch ihre große Macht in den kommenden Krisenzeiten zeigen. Mögen sich viele bekehren. Mögen wir stark werden.
Jeffrey Ade
@Caroline03 Thank you for this very edifying and sobering article on the "Divine Impatience!" We should now prepare ourselves as did the Catholics of Nagasaki. Surely having been spared bombing until they end of the war they would not have just rested on their "laurels." Undoubtedly they would have "Rosaried up!" It is now our turn to "pray and be watchful," for the Divine Wrath is upon us and our …More
@Caroline03 Thank you for this very edifying and sobering article on the "Divine Impatience!" We should now prepare ourselves as did the Catholics of Nagasaki. Surely having been spared bombing until they end of the war they would not have just rested on their "laurels." Undoubtedly they would have "Rosaried up!" It is now our turn to "pray and be watchful," for the Divine Wrath is upon us and our only hope from this coming storm is the refuge of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
@Jeffrey Ade I think you are totally right! It is probable that the 3rd Secret quite clearly presages terrifying things for Christians everywhere - due to the poor example our Leaders (both inside the Church and out) have been setting pretending to be serving Our Lord, when they are justifying paganizing themselves and others as they try to please the world (as poor Louis XVI did to his cost). They …More
@Jeffrey Ade I think you are totally right! It is probable that the 3rd Secret quite clearly presages terrifying things for Christians everywhere - due to the poor example our Leaders (both inside the Church and out) have been setting pretending to be serving Our Lord, when they are justifying paganizing themselves and others as they try to please the world (as poor Louis XVI did to his cost). They are NOT pleasing the world. They are being scorned and laughed at everywhere. Even the pagans realize what Our Lord preached was a firm condemnation of sin and Hellfire for those who practiced it. They hated that He preached in that way, but they accepted that it was the authentic Catholic Message.
However, is it not frankly INCREDIBLE that Christ proves that He is fully knowing of all events LONG before they are made manifest? May He have Mercy on me and everyone else who longs for His Laws to be practiced again in their Land..
God bless the world. Amen.
Jeffrey Ade
@Caroline03 Have you read this? The Third Secret of Fatima -A testimony- by Dr. Fr… I think the Catholics have already been judged, for their sins and the failure to consecrate Russia, as Our Divine Lord requested! And I agree how incredible Jesus is with His Omniscience! our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Having just written the above, I advise CAUTION to the hierarchy of the RC Church and the Pope himself. If they fail to bear the necessary MORAL witness to the world, they are likely to find themselves incurring the hatred and condemnation of the same set of people that detest our Faith who have sought to bring an end to Christianity at various times in the past.
Be warned and restore the Church …More
Having just written the above, I advise CAUTION to the hierarchy of the RC Church and the Pope himself. If they fail to bear the necessary MORAL witness to the world, they are likely to find themselves incurring the hatred and condemnation of the same set of people that detest our Faith who have sought to bring an end to Christianity at various times in the past.

Be warned and restore the Church to be the PURE Bride of Christ that Traditionally She has been, or the threatened Chastisements spoken of by Our Lord and Our Lady are to be permitted to happen. There may still be time to restore it to how it MUST be to be truly HIS Church and to do so it must return to it's true statutes, and all restored that former Popes have declared to be held as eternally bound. Christ will PROTECT His Church if we heed His warnings and return His Church to be as He WILLS it to be.

If not - He will allow it all to be destroyed, perhaps as the 2nd Temple was destroyed in 70 AD?

The reason that King Louis XVI was overthrown was because he passed Laws permitting the people of France the freedom to worship as they chose. King Louis XIV, on the other hand had not permitted any other religion but Roman Catholicism to be practiced within His Kingdom. . King Louis XVI found it easier to NOT be so faithful, and chose instead to become more tolerant of anti-Catholic Religions. Due to his taking this calamitous approach, the enemies of Catholicism gained sufficient power within his realms to overthrow France's Catholic King.

"Multiculturalism" ? God detests it! It is a violation of the first Commandment to allow the worship of false gods in any Kingdom hitherto Christ's. "Multiculturalism" was, in fact, the same sin that destroyed the Kingdom of Solomon as can be seen in 1 Kings 11 and 13
Jeffrey Ade
@Caroline03 Fr. Kopcynski has wonderful mission series on topics regarding the Spotless Bride of Christ. God may chastise His children but will never destroy His Bride of Christ. The Mystical Bride of Christ is the fulfillment of Creation and will exist forever! In Her Roman Catholic Incarnation God's Mystical Bride is "Societas Perfecta," and the beginning of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth as we …More
@Caroline03 Fr. Kopcynski has wonderful mission series on topics regarding the Spotless Bride of Christ. God may chastise His children but will never destroy His Bride of Christ. The Mystical Bride of Christ is the fulfillment of Creation and will exist forever! In Her Roman Catholic Incarnation God's Mystical Bride is "Societas Perfecta," and the beginning of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth as we pray in the Our Father prayer. So God may destroy the apostate hierarchy in Rome, but He will never destroy "Eternal Rome, and the Chair of Peter!"