Viganò Provides No Evidence

Monsignor Carlo Viganò told that "for now I don't intend to elaborate further" on his May 29 accusation that Francis was allegedly a practicing homosexual and an "abuser like McCarrick." …More
Monsignor Carlo Viganò told that "for now I don't intend to elaborate further" on his May 29 accusation that Francis was allegedly a practicing homosexual and an "abuser like McCarrick."
The archbishop made the accusation on Twitter. He didn't cite any evidence, saying only that he was given the information by "one of Francis' former novices".
Many asked Viganò to provide his proof, otherwise his accusations would be similar to those of the anti-Catholic Belgian Jesuit Jos Moons, who wrote on the same 29 May that "Pope Benedict was probably gay".
Whether Francis is or isn't, he is the best friend that the LGBTQ movement could ever hope for.
Live Mike
It cannot be disputed that the Church would be far, far better served if the good Archbishop, in a spirit of accuracy and full transparency and as an agent of TRUTH, would provide the irrefutable evidence and/or the open, unimpeachable, comprehensive testimony of identified witnesses that could sustain, confirm and validate with factual proof the unspeakable and unprecedented allegations he has …More
It cannot be disputed that the Church would be far, far better served if the good Archbishop, in a spirit of accuracy and full transparency and as an agent of TRUTH, would provide the irrefutable evidence and/or the open, unimpeachable, comprehensive testimony of identified witnesses that could sustain, confirm and validate with factual proof the unspeakable and unprecedented allegations he has made against the reigning Supreme Pontiff and Vicar of Christ; allegations by which the Archbishop has charged Pope Francis with acts of sodomy and the serial sexual violation and abuse of Novices whose formation was directly under the supervision of the accused. Surely His Excellency (as a man of integrity who holds others accountable for their words and actions) understands an allegation of that nature, the truth and veracity of which portends both earth-shattering and eternity-impacting consequences with ramifications and reverberations that shall most assuredly disrupt and enflame every strata of Holy Mother Church’s existence and shake her to her very foundations, MUST come with more than just a couple of casual observations said in passing or spoken publicly, as if one were just discussing the latest neighborhood gossip. The Church deserves better than that.
Maria delos Angeles
@SonoftheChurch you need greater subtlety of mind.
@Maria delos Angeles Nah… clarity and forthrightness is immensely and immeasurably better and has always served me well. I’ll leave the slight-of-hand type stuff to you and others who seek to obscure things or wish to hide behind the grayness of clouds.
Boanerges Boanerges
Bergoglio provides evidence every week. By publicly promoting sodomy disguised as pope, Bergoglio has corrupted more souls than by committing the acts of sodomy with some seminarians. Therefore, the obvious scandal is far worse than the allegedly hidden one, but people like Sammons choose to be blind.
Dr Bobus
Jos Moons was just protecting his fellow Jesuit. But following his MO, anyone can say that Moons Is probably both a moron and a liar.
Maria delos Angeles
Why is this a big deal for people to get? The two accusations are not equivalent because of different criteria and circumstances.
Sandy Barrett
You have to give some evidence. There are plenty of homosex activists who are not homosexuals themselves.