Excommunication is Back! Priest Calls Francis a “Usurper”

Don Ramon Guidetti, parish priest of San Ranieri in Guasticce, on the Tuscan coast, has been "excommunicated" by Bishop Simone Giusti of Livorno, Italy, for telling his flock that Francis "is not the …More
Don Ramon Guidetti, parish priest of San Ranieri in Guasticce, on the Tuscan coast, has been "excommunicated" by Bishop Simone Giusti of Livorno, Italy, for telling his flock that Francis "is not the Pope, he's an usurper".
Monsignor Giusti issued the decree of excommunication on 2 January.
The priest made his remarks in a sermon on 31 December. After the "excommunication", Guidetti said that he was proud to be "out of this Church, which is a tyranny".
In the good old days, saying similar things about John Paul II and Benedict XVI would have helped a priest advance in their careers. What a circus!
la verdad prevalece
la verdad prevalece
Italian priest recently "excommunicated" for calling Bergoglio a usurper and freemason, and acknowledging that Benedict XVI remained the true Pope, never having renounced the Petrine munus.
"In the good old days, saying similar things about John Paul II and Benedict XVI..."
Oh yes, good ol' days when neo-modernism was young and pretty.
Wilma Lopez shares this
"At the end of a long speech, which lasted about 20 minutes, the priest was much applauded by the faithful present in the church." The fact that the priest's declaration that "Mr. Bergoglio" is "the antichrist" met with sustained applause from his parish church says quite a bit on how deeply unpopular Francis is among the faithful. “Il signor Bergoglio è anticristo, usurpatore e massone”: …More
"At the end of a long speech, which lasted about 20 minutes, the priest was much applauded by the faithful present in the church." The fact that the priest's declaration that "Mr. Bergoglio" is "the antichrist" met with sustained applause from his parish church says quite a bit on how deeply unpopular Francis is among the faithful. “Il signor Bergoglio è anticristo, usurpatore e massone”: scomunicato prete dopo l’omelia
Bonnie Louise
Come and get me, Jorge Cornholio. Not the Pope, I mean.
la verdad prevalece
From Argentina, the apostate Jorge Mario Bergoglio has challenged God and the Church. All of Bergoglio's accomplices will receive the same punishment of eternal fire. Woe to those who, priests or laymen, betray Christ for fear of the heresiarch Jorge Mario Bergoglio Sivori.
This not excommunicated. So what if the example of Don Ramon spreads?
Opera 369
If you care to know, Don Ramon Guidetti has joined a group of 4 other excommunicated priests, a group begun by Don Alessandro Minutella, the first ever Diocesan Priest (precisely in Sicily, Italy) who called Bergoglio an 'usurper of St. Peter's Throne' back in 2016. The group is now formed of 8 priests. A few of them are still waiting for 'official decree of excommunication' one of them is a Franciscan …More
If you care to know, Don Ramon Guidetti has joined a group of 4 other excommunicated priests, a group begun by Don Alessandro Minutella, the first ever Diocesan Priest (precisely in Sicily, Italy) who called Bergoglio an 'usurper of St. Peter's Throne' back in 2016. The group is now formed of 8 priests. A few of them are still waiting for 'official decree of excommunication' one of them is a Franciscan Friar, Fra Celestino, who "can't wait to receive the official excommunication notice", because he wants nothing to do with the Bergoglian (circus) as he repeats during his conversations and homilies, last time was today. Dear readers, Don Minutella saw every single thing correctly, 6 years ago. He leads the Little Catholic Remnant (which has grown significantly in the last 2 years) and he calls his followers "I Rosarianti", which means "those who pray the Rosary", due to his great devotion to Our Lady! His FAITH is his STRENGTH and his strength is his FAITH. That is where the Catholic Church resides now! Catherine Emmerick's visions and Pope Benedict XVI's predictions of the 'true catholics our of the Vatican'.... are materializing relentlessly! Anyone visiting St. Peter's Cathedral thinking they will find the Church of Christ at present time (and for the last 10 years of this argentinian invasion ) are wasting their time and money!
Yes, everything Don Minutella warned of, he was correct. And he was "doubly" excommunicated, whatever that means. :). ANother made-up word by the fake church, much to his amusement. I really enjoyed his sense of humour. He was excommunicated because he would not pledge allegiance to Pope Francis. He repeatedly was asked to do so, and he repeatedly vowed allegiance to the Roman Pontiff (without naming …More
Yes, everything Don Minutella warned of, he was correct. And he was "doubly" excommunicated, whatever that means. :). ANother made-up word by the fake church, much to his amusement. I really enjoyed his sense of humour. He was excommunicated because he would not pledge allegiance to Pope Francis. He repeatedly was asked to do so, and he repeatedly vowed allegiance to the Roman Pontiff (without naming Francis)--so he was punished. Very moving when he gently placed his vestments on an altar, and offered his suffering and his priesthood for the good of the true Church. I learned so much listening to his homilies and talks--he is more fiery than I even imagined John the Baptist, and his love of Holy Mary was palpable. Followed magisterial teaching to a T. He went ballistic when hearing prelates say that Mary was just a girl-next-door, our sister in the faith! Said very simply, the role of the church is to "Proclaim Christ!! What do we call a church that no longer proclaims Christ....?" Yet he is excommunicated----meaning he is staying exactly where he has always been: in the barque with Jesus.
Tony M
Bergoglio should have been excommunicated for his heretical ways in Argentina either by Pope John Paul II or Pope Benedict XVI.
See below what he was like back there before he usurped the Chair of Peter.RORATE CÆLI: The Horror!A Buenos Aires journalist describes Bergoglio (rorate-caeli.blogspot.com)
Tony M as Judas has done , Bergoglio needs to fulfill Scripture and prophecies...
Tony M
I think you are right @Rafal_Olive. But I still think we need to fight against Jorge & his agenda in every way we can think of......and of course done within the laws of the Church.
Not at all. Quran kissing Assisi host JPII was busy with excommunicating Msgr. Lefebvre so did not have enough time to watch a faithful son of the church of the New Advent i.e. JMB.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
This good priest is the first of many who will rise up against heretic,apostate Pope Francis. The more, the better. THey can then perhaps continue as priests in the SSPX, or found new religious Orders regardless of Vatican whinning threats against them. THe more they rise up and tell the truth about Pope Francis to their flocks and turn them against him, the better,
Although the base premise is true the second assertion needs correction as follows: "out of this Church bergoglian antichurch , which is a tyranny"
Ursula Sankt
If he had raped a boy, it might take decades for a similar punishment to be meted out, if ever. But say anything about 🤫 🤫 🤫
Hound of Heaven
While ill-advised both from the pulpit and under the current administration, this priest's frustration is totally understandable and palpable. The response on the part of the 'dialoging' Francis of the peripheries (apparently he meant excommunicating people to the peripheries) is totally hypocritical, particularly based upon all those, quite reasonably, excommunicated by his predecessors whom he …More
While ill-advised both from the pulpit and under the current administration, this priest's frustration is totally understandable and palpable. The response on the part of the 'dialoging' Francis of the peripheries (apparently he meant excommunicating people to the peripheries) is totally hypocritical, particularly based upon all those, quite reasonably, excommunicated by his predecessors whom he has 'rehabilitated' (apparently without any reconsidering, remorse, or contrition from these folks).
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
"While ill-advised both from the pulpit"---on the contrary this is the best thing a faithful priest can do, the more faithful/traditional priests rise up in Italy and elsewhere and tell their parishioners the truth about heretic Pope Francis and his gay advisors in the Vatican, and how evil and corrupt they are, the better. I hope more and more good priests in Italy, even in Rome, and in other …More
"While ill-advised both from the pulpit"---on the contrary this is the best thing a faithful priest can do, the more faithful/traditional priests rise up in Italy and elsewhere and tell their parishioners the truth about heretic Pope Francis and his gay advisors in the Vatican, and how evil and corrupt they are, the better. I hope more and more good priests in Italy, even in Rome, and in other countries, start doing the same.
Everyday for Life Canada
We congratulate Don Ramon Guidetti. To get excommunicated with the present pontificate means that you are faithful to Church teaching. And that’s a good thing to do.