
Cardinal Prays that Catholics and Jews "Will Remain United in Faith"

Valencia Cardinal Antonio Cañizares, 74, participated at a October 29 inter-religious “prayer” organised by the Amistad Judeocristiana de Valencia. At the occasion he gave “thanks to God” for sharing …More
Valencia Cardinal Antonio Cañizares, 74, participated at a October 29 inter-religious “prayer” organised by the Amistad Judeocristiana de Valencia.
At the occasion he gave “thanks to God” for sharing the “same prayer” and the “same Father” with our “Jewish brothers," InfoCatolica.com (October 30) reports.
He went on asking that "among us there is only fraternity, and that we remain united in the faith that will give us peace."
Cañizares is a former theology professor, a former member of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and a former Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship.
His nickname is "Little Ratzinger,” referring to similar beliefs and a physical similarity between him and Benedict XVI. He is considered a “Conservative”.
Picture: Antonio Cañizares, © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsUchcrnwfgx
mhfm1.com will help you save your soul.
No, mhfm are guilty of private interpretation (protestant). Not all the time but they do it. I've seen it in some of their videos. They seem to think they know more than the doctors and fathers of the Church.
mr. producer
1 Thessalonians 2:14-16
For you, brethren, are become followers of the churches of God which are in Judea, in Christ Jesus: for you also have suffered the same things from your own coutrymen, even as they have from the Jews, Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and the prophets, and have persecuted us, and please not God, and are adversaries to all men; Prohibiting us to speak to the Gentiles, that they …More
1 Thessalonians 2:14-16

For you, brethren, are become followers of the churches of God which are in Judea, in Christ Jesus: for you also have suffered the same things from your own coutrymen, even as they have from the Jews, Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and the prophets, and have persecuted us, and please not God, and are adversaries to all men; Prohibiting us to speak to the Gentiles, that they may be saved, to fill up their sins always: for the wrath of God is come upon them to the end.

The Catholic Church has stopped preaching the Bible!
Last time ah did a bit of checkin', Judaism rejects the divinity of Jesus Christ. So, no, we're not "united in faith."
@Dr Bobus 🤗 muslims believe in one God as well, do they share the same faith too? VII says this heresy as well. The talmudic "jews" reject Christ, thus they reject the God of the Old Testament. The talmudic "jews" blaspheme Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary in their most holiest book, the talmud. The muslims reject Christ and blaspheme the Holy Trinity in their koran. They do NOT share the same …More
@Dr Bobus 🤗 muslims believe in one God as well, do they share the same faith too? VII says this heresy as well. The talmudic "jews" reject Christ, thus they reject the God of the Old Testament. The talmudic "jews" blaspheme Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary in their most holiest book, the talmud. The muslims reject Christ and blaspheme the Holy Trinity in their koran. They do NOT share the same faith! 😡
Dr Bobus
Insofar as Catholics and Jews believe in one God, they share the same faith. The problem is in the US a substantial number of Jews are atheists. A Jewish convert told me the number of Jewish atheists was at least 90%
The aforementioned cardinal was selected by BXVI to implement a reform of the reform. After becoming prefect and receiving the red hat, the cardinal proceeded to do nothing. Zip. Niente …More
Insofar as Catholics and Jews believe in one God, they share the same faith. The problem is in the US a substantial number of Jews are atheists. A Jewish convert told me the number of Jewish atheists was at least 90%

The aforementioned cardinal was selected by BXVI to implement a reform of the reform. After becoming prefect and receiving the red hat, the cardinal proceeded to do nothing. Zip. Niente. Nada. Rien. Zero
Dr Bobus
1. I sketched an argument, thinking you would recognize what logically follows. Because you didn't do it, I'll have to complete it myself:
Insofar as Moslems and Jews* believe in One God who created all things, we share the same Faith
Insofar as Moslems and Jews* don't believe in other articles, e.g.., Incarnation, Virginal Conception, we do not share the same Faith.
* and anyone else …More

1. I sketched an argument, thinking you would recognize what logically follows. Because you didn't do it, I'll have to complete it myself:

Insofar as Moslems and Jews* believe in One God who created all things, we share the same Faith

Insofar as Moslems and Jews* don't believe in other articles, e.g.., Incarnation, Virginal Conception, we do not share the same Faith.

* and anyone else

2. Among non Christian monotheists (and even among Catholics) there is much confusion about God. They implicitly or explicitly deny His ontological sovereignty. This appears in various manners. For example, by holding that the Creation was necessary. Or in evolution they assign Divine creative powers to finite things.
@Dr Bobus It sounds like your confirming this man's heretical beliefs. It's misleading. Plus, it's built off the false premise that they believe in God. They don't. One must have the Catholic faith to believe in God. We as Catholics know they don't believe in God because they reject Christ and his Holy Church. God makes known to everyone that the Catholic faith is the true faith. They either accept …More
@Dr Bobus It sounds like your confirming this man's heretical beliefs. It's misleading. Plus, it's built off the false premise that they believe in God. They don't. One must have the Catholic faith to believe in God. We as Catholics know they don't believe in God because they reject Christ and his Holy Church. God makes known to everyone that the Catholic faith is the true faith. They either accept it or reject it.
Dr Bobus
1. It is the teaching of the Church that the existence of God can be demonstrated by reason alone, unaided by faith. This is found in Vat I and the Catechism, which is based on Romans 1:20.
2. It is also the teaching of the Church that the Christian mysteries, e.g., Trinity, Incarnation, Virginal Conception and Birth, cannot be known by reason alone--but only with the Light of Faith.More

1. It is the teaching of the Church that the existence of God can be demonstrated by reason alone, unaided by faith. This is found in Vat I and the Catechism, which is based on Romans 1:20.

2. It is also the teaching of the Church that the Christian mysteries, e.g., Trinity, Incarnation, Virginal Conception and Birth, cannot be known by reason alone--but only with the Light of Faith.
@Dr Bobus Thank you for the correction. What I don't understand is why you sketched an argument in favor of those who reject Christ?