
Condon's PillarCatholic.com Has Removed Its Mask Too Quickly

Already on the second day of his new PillarCatholic.com, Ed Condon published a January 5 article in favour of Covid-19 vaccines in which he bashes the Pro-lifer Abby Johnson for speaking out against …More
Already on the second day of his new PillarCatholic.com, Ed Condon published a January 5 article in favour of Covid-19 vaccines in which he bashes the Pro-lifer Abby Johnson for speaking out against their abortion-related production.
Well-meaning observers would have expected from Condon to target other "enemies" in the earlier stages of his webpage, instead, he chose to slam a pro-lifer who is attracted to the Old Latin Mass.
Condon humiliates Johnson with a condescending attitude accusing her of “rejecting” the Church’s moral teaching on the subject as if a random statement of the current Vatican on vaccines would constitute a magisterial text.
In addition, Johnson’s position doesn't differ from statements of Bishop Athanasius Schneider or Tyler Bishop Strickland whom Condon, interestingly, does not choose to attack.
Condon also presents dissenting from Covid-19 related political measures as a rejection of ecclesiastical authority when he writes:
“The substance of her [Johnson's] More
To Abby Johnson's credit, she's always a helpful example of those "whose god is their belly" as described Philippians 3:19
Check out Childrenshealthdefense.org for the truth about "vaccines".
Here is another opinion
It's not PillarCatholic but Caterpillar-Against-Catholics