Viganò: Fratelli Tutti and Joe Biden. Viganò: Fratelli Tutti is an Endorsement of the Democratic Candidate Archbishop Viganò gave a long talk at the October 23 Catholic Identity Conferences, about “…More
Viganò: Fratelli Tutti and Joe Biden.
Viganò: Fratelli Tutti is an Endorsement of the Democratic Candidate
Archbishop Viganò gave a long talk at the October 23 Catholic Identity Conferences, about “Scapegoating Francis - How the revolution of Vatican II serves the New World Order”. He warned of the role of the deep church, a small but powerful part of the Catholic Church, in establishing the New World Order. He explained that the true Church has nothing to do with those who, since Vatican II, have occupied her.
Church Is in A Cone of Shadow
For Viganò, the New World Order is the City of the Devil opposed to the City of God. He explains that vice and deviations once despised are today not only practiced and tolerated, but even encouraged and praised, while virtue and fidelity to Christ’s teaching are despised. He speaks about an eclipse of the true Church by an anti-church. Quote, “We now find ourselves in a doctrinal, moral, liturgical, and disciplinary cone of shadow.”
Peace Between …More
Thanks for the news.
Holy Cannoli
Peace Between God and Satan?
What about Halloween? Is it kosher for Catholics to celebrate Halloween? 🤔More
Peace Between God and Satan?

What about Halloween? Is it kosher for Catholics to celebrate Halloween? 🤔
Holy Cannoli
In your face, Lebron. 😎
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