France: Persecution of the Church Is Going Well

Three Catholic targets have been attacked in France in the past week alone, writes (15 June).

The interior of the church of Notre-Dame-de-Délivrance in the centre of Quintin, France, was set on fire at 7.15pm last Thursday.

The fire was discovered by the person responsible for closing the doors of the basilica at 7.30pm. There was smoke everywhere and flames on the side. The fire brigade quickly arrived and was able to extinguish the fire.

In Lyon, a human rights organisation working for the family had its offices vandalised with graffiti containing insults, threats to kill human rights activists and the hope that 'Anti France' would win.

In Loyettes, a town near Lyon, a public cross was attacked and dragged away in a van.

There have been hundreds of attacks on Catholic churches in France in recent years, but the media activists of the oligarchs are not interested in this, on the contrary, they are among the leading instigators of hatred against the Church.

In 2019, the then Archbishop of Paris, Monsignor Michel Aupetit, spoke of about three attacks on churches a day in France.


Billy F
They only have one wife in the Western countries officially, but in Sharia they have three other woman who they’re breeding with. All of them bleeding liberal welfare programs!!!
Boanerges Boanerges
The false prophet Bergoglio must be happy about this: what he is doing to the living Church, they are doing to the buildings
Father Karl A Claver
When Notre Dame was burning in Paris, Neal Cavuto cut off and dismissed comments that it was caused by Moslems.
Billy F
Cavuto is just another paid propagandist!
Sean Johnson
It wasn’t Muslims who prepared the terrain for the French Revolution, but Jews. Read Abbe Augustin Barruel’s “Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism,” which recounts Adam Weishaupt’s conspiracy against altar, throne, and society with his Illuminati (an intensification of freemasonry). The veracity of Barruel’s account is affirmed by his contemporary, the eminent English philosopher …More
It wasn’t Muslims who prepared the terrain for the French Revolution, but Jews. Read Abbe Augustin Barruel’s “Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism,” which recounts Adam Weishaupt’s conspiracy against altar, throne, and society with his Illuminati (an intensification of freemasonry). The veracity of Barruel’s account is affirmed by his contemporary, the eminent English philosopher, Edmund Burke (who watched the revolution unfold from across the channel, and knew many of the people implicated).
Naomi Arai
@Sean Johnson There's a term for that. It's called passing the buck. Do you know who prepared the terrain for the French Revolution? Catholics. bad Catholics. mediocre Catholics, former Catholics. Next in line maybe was everyone else. France wasn't a Jewish country, it was a Catholic country. No, I strongly disagree. It was WE who allowed the revolution to happen. You can't blame anyone else for …More
@Sean Johnson There's a term for that. It's called passing the buck. Do you know who prepared the terrain for the French Revolution? Catholics. bad Catholics. mediocre Catholics, former Catholics. Next in line maybe was everyone else. France wasn't a Jewish country, it was a Catholic country. No, I strongly disagree. It was WE who allowed the revolution to happen. You can't blame anyone else for our sins.
Sean Johnson
There are none so blind as those who do not wish to see.
Dr Bobus
The problem with the argument about Jews is that there was an identity between the State and the Church. Thus, many French Jews were treated as half-citizens (cf. the Dreyfus affair), like zamerican Blacks before Civil Rights Laws
Dr Bobus
If memory serves, Hilaire Belloc places the cause at the hyper centralization of the government: The king brought all the Dukes to the palace.
Sean Johnson
@Dr Bobus -
It was the Church herself which instituted a righteous segregation. Rebelling against her perennial wisdom is to blame for much of the sorry state of affairs.
Dr Bobus
It wasn't a matter of segregating the Church from the Jews but of the govt not treating Jews as full cItizens.
The Jews, nevertheless, were not behind the Revolution. In fact. the Rights of Man did not include the Jews.
The Revolution killed the Louis XVI and various members of thr nobility.
Btw, I was Confirmed in France.More
It wasn't a matter of segregating the Church from the Jews but of the govt not treating Jews as full cItizens.

The Jews, nevertheless, were not behind the Revolution. In fact. the Rights of Man did not include the Jews.

The Revolution killed the Louis XVI and various members of thr nobility.

Btw, I was Confirmed in France.
Sean Johnson
That probably explains your blindness
Naomi Arai
@Sean Johnson On the contrary, I believe it is you who have been brainwashed by the propaganda.
@Naomi Arai Sadly, there will always be idiots among us.
Dr Bobus
@Sean Johnson. And what explains yours? Does feeblemindedbess run in your famiky?
Sean Johnson
I apologize for my previous remark. It was not a virtuous reply. Pax tecum.
Naomi Arai
Apparently over 1400 years of history of enslavement, waging war, murder, thieving, rape, multitudinous sexual perversions, forced conversion, and general violence against Christians, Jews, and those of any other religious belief is not enough to claim, “hey, maybe Islam is the problem.” Why? Because they’re scared…or complicit.
Islam only advances by the sword and not through conversion. Anyone who leaves it is marked for assination by another Muslim, i.e. the writer Salman Rushdi. A Fatwa was issued decades ago and approximately 2 years ago a Muslim fanatic rushed the stage where he was speaking and cut his throat. He survived.
Dr Bobus
Actually, it's not merely by the sword.
A joke I heard years ago in France:
If Lefebvre wins, what will be the liturgical language in France?
And if he loses, what will be the liturgical language in France?
The Arabs are the only ones in France having children.More
Actually, it's not merely by the sword.

A joke I heard years ago in France:

If Lefebvre wins, what will be the liturgical language in France?

And if he loses, what will be the liturgical language in France?

The Arabs are the only ones in France having children.
Billy F
Alas, True!!! They’re permitted 4 wives according to the Degenerate Profit. Multiple kids, while the secular West aborts their children and has dogs.
They only have one wife in the Western countries officially, but in Sharia they have three other woman who they’re breeding with. All of them bleeding liberal welfare programs!!!More
Alas, True!!! They’re permitted 4 wives according to the Degenerate Profit. Multiple kids, while the secular West aborts their children and has dogs.

They only have one wife in the Western countries officially, but in Sharia they have three other woman who they’re breeding with. All of them bleeding liberal welfare programs!!!
Dr Bobus
I doubt they have multiple wives in France
They do, as they do in the U.S. They just keep a low profile. How they get around it is if they are wealthy enough, is to have the second wife in another country, or are spiritually married to the second but not legally.
Dr Bobus
But the problem is the same in the US. The two child family among non Moslems seems the most common, which isn't even at replacement level. Meanwhile, Moslems have no problem doubling that, even with monogamy.
Italy a few years ago had the lowest birth rate in Europe. So much for the renown Italian family.
The exceptions are the Latin Mass churches and the more Traditional Novus Ordo parishes.
The …More
But the problem is the same in the US. The two child family among non Moslems seems the most common, which isn't even at replacement level. Meanwhile, Moslems have no problem doubling that, even with monogamy.

Italy a few years ago had the lowest birth rate in Europe. So much for the renown Italian family.

The exceptions are the Latin Mass churches and the more Traditional Novus Ordo parishes.

The low birth rates also have negative consequences on the Social Security and Medicare funds as well as the cost of health insurance.
Father Karl A Claver
The liberals love to say, Moslems ARE our FRIENDS. Open your closed eyes and see.