
Cardinal Signs Statement Against Amoris Laetitia

Cardinal Janis Pujats, the former Archbishop of Riga, Latvia, joined five bishops in signing the Profession of Immutable Truths about Sacramental Marriage issued by three Kazakhstan bishops and two Italian archbishops.

The document accuses Pope Francis of causing “rampant confusion” concerning marriage and Holy Communion.

Pujats is a representative of Francis' beloved "peripheries". Most of his live as a priest he has spent under Communist persecution.

Picture: Janis Pujats, © Maliepa, Flickr, CC BY-SA, #newsJtcepeunjv
Dr Stuart Reiss I am tempted to sugges that being in Kazakstan the most they can do to Bp Schneiders is promote him but one never knows. Perhaps when the next Pope arrives.....
They say the Pope's "reading". He wrote it. So he isn't confused what he intended it to mean.
It shows more clearly the 'divide' (Schism?) which is finally becoming apparent.
Dr Stuart Reiss Yes many of the signatories are retired. There is little that can be done to them. It will be interesting to see if Bishop Schneider is moved.
another courageous Cardinal ,God bless him