Unfit to rule

Has the Pope finally completely lost the plot? He cannot carry on governing the Church like this.

Has the Pope finally completely lost the plot? He cannot carry on governing the Church like this. Not …
"The Italian media cannot come out of their stupor; and not because what the Pontiff said sounds like discrimination, but because of the rudeness of the expression"
It is the problem of the deranged world what kind of stupor they have hearing words like frociaggine. It's none of the concern of any Catholic.
Clamoring publicly that somebody is unfit to rule because of the above is just a simple …More
"The Italian media cannot come out of their stupor; and not because what the Pontiff said sounds like discrimination, but because of the rudeness of the expression"
It is the problem of the deranged world what kind of stupor they have hearing words like frociaggine. It's none of the concern of any Catholic.
Clamoring publicly that somebody is unfit to rule because of the above is just a simple case of lavender useful idiocy.
Yes, but Fr. James Martin SJ is triggered and offended.
Wilma Lopez shares this
Maybe he didn't speak of homosexuals but of "trad homosexuals" - the "women priests with lace".
I do not understand. "He cannot carry on governing the Church like this" because of what? Because some sodomites, whose sins are crying for vengeance to Heaven, will feel bad?
So, I guess we can now quote the Pope on this one, "Ce gia troppa frociaggina." This confirms recent sociological research indicating that "frociaggina" populates about 30 percent of the priesthood. That's even too much for Francis.
Father Karl A Claver
Jorge and Joe have almost succeeded in destroying the Church and America.
Ivan Tomas
DC & DS working together.
For the same bosses.
James Manning
@Louis IX - No. He's a peronist. Don't listen to his words, but watch his actions.
Ivan Tomas
C'mon! not only like this! He can't govern the Church in no way. Therefore he firstly must be a Catholic.
Louis IX
Based on his faggotry comment, maybe he’s just hitting his stride? :)