
Cardinal Koch Doubts That Anglican Orders Are Null And Void

The Vatican released on December 4 a handbook for bishops on ecumenism which claims that ecumenism is not an optional “but a duty and obligation.”

Catholics are warned against a “polemical presentations of Christian history and theology” [read: offering historical and theological facts].

At the handbook’s presentation, Cardinal Kurt Koch, the President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, called for a “better interpretation” of the Catholic teaching that Anglican orders are “null and void”, claiming that this issue “needs to be studied.”

"Null and void" refers to Leo XIII's bull Apostolicae Curae (1896) which after a careful study came to the conclusion that Anglican ordinations are invalid because of a deficiency of intention and of form.

Picture: Kurt Koch © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsLaqgzqglir

Dr Bobus
Actually, Apostolicae Curae was merely a restatement of what Rome had said years earlier. The Anglicans really had not cared what Rome thought until the decision was made during Leo XIII's papacy to reconstitute the Catholic Hierarchy in England. That decision caused the Anglicans to "get religion" and ask Rome for a reexamination. Rome decided in favor of the reexamination, which was led by Merry …More
Actually, Apostolicae Curae was merely a restatement of what Rome had said years earlier. The Anglicans really had not cared what Rome thought until the decision was made during Leo XIII's papacy to reconstitute the Catholic Hierarchy in England. That decision caused the Anglicans to "get religion" and ask Rome for a reexamination. Rome decided in favor of the reexamination, which was led by Merry del Val. The answer was the same.
la verdad prevalece
So Koch is not in FULL communion with the Catholic Church either because the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has made clear the invalidity of the Anglican orders.
The cardinal places himself above God. It doesn't end well for him.
There is only on Truth and is Jesus ,He is The Way ,the Truth and Life ,and He said go and teach the Gospel to the world ,in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit
Pagans are "scandalized" when they see how Christian denominations fight with each other, said Cardinal Tagle at the press conference - quoting one of them, "If I join you Christians, my life would become more complicated -- I would have to join in your fighting".
Interesting evolution: In the new "Ecumenical Vademecum" the Vatican presents today, the term "ecclesial communities" is only used in citations from past documents. The text itself uses the term "Churches" for all other non-catholic Christian communities without distinction.
The Orthodox are referred to by the capitalised "Churches", but the Protestant sects are in the lowercase "churches"More
Interesting evolution: In the new "Ecumenical Vademecum" the Vatican presents today, the term "ecclesial communities" is only used in citations from past documents. The text itself uses the term "Churches" for all other non-catholic Christian communities without distinction.

The Orthodox are referred to by the capitalised "Churches", but the Protestant sects are in the lowercase "churches"
I doubt Cardinal Koch is the best judge. He should stick to lighting menorah candles.
Shalom, Cardinal... why aren't you wearing your yarmulke the Rabbi behind you?