
Francis Is Doing “Very Well”

Jesuit Father José Luis Narvaja, a son of one of Francis’ sisters, told the anti-Catholic FamigliaCristiana.it (December 9) that Francis was “fine but still a bit sore” when he saw him in July after …More
Jesuit Father José Luis Narvaja, a son of one of Francis’ sisters, told the anti-Catholic FamigliaCristiana.it (December 9) that Francis was “fine but still a bit sore” when he saw him in July after his bowel surgery.
"Don't make me laugh, my stitches hurt!” Francis told his nephew who says about his uncle, “I see he is doing very well, with a lot of strength, he really doesn't look 85."
And, “He is very active, enthusiastic, he doesn't give up. He said that some people expected this illness to silence him a little, but no, he is doing very well!”
Facts Not Lies
Frances was (poorly) photoshopped into this pic. Look at the right side of the pic where the greenscreen artifacts were not cleaned up.
Of course we can also address scale, lack of consistent shadowing, and high res Frances and low res 'pic bombing toothy guy'. But, those may require more insight.More
Frances was (poorly) photoshopped into this pic. Look at the right side of the pic where the greenscreen artifacts were not cleaned up.

Of course we can also address scale, lack of consistent shadowing, and high res Frances and low res 'pic bombing toothy guy'. But, those may require more insight.
"Fine, but a bit sore..." Standard diagnosis every time the Pope reads Abp. Vigano's latest scathing condemnation. Probably sore in the same spot, too.
Excellent news! We wish our Holy Father only the very best, in mind, body and soul.
May the Vicar of her Son be kept safe and protected under the Mantle of the Blessed Mother, Most Virgin and Immaculate. And may St. Michael, the Mightiest of God’s Angelic Warriors, defend him in battle, casting down to the lowest abyss in the fiery furnaces of hell all those who wish ill upon him and rejoice at …More
Excellent news! We wish our Holy Father only the very best, in mind, body and soul.

May the Vicar of her Son be kept safe and protected under the Mantle of the Blessed Mother, Most Virgin and Immaculate. And may St. Michael, the Mightiest of God’s Angelic Warriors, defend him in battle, casting down to the lowest abyss in the fiery furnaces of hell all those who wish ill upon him and rejoice at his afflictions.
Only by death or abdication could the Holy Father - this one or any future one - be deprived of his charism as the Vicar of Christ on Earth. It is not just a “title” used to enhance the papal dignity, but it is a vital and indispensable aspect of his ministry that is inherently vested in the Office of Chief Shepherd of the Lord’s Flock by Christ’s own mandate and deputization.
Our Lord Jesus …More
Only by death or abdication could the Holy Father - this one or any future one - be deprived of his charism as the Vicar of Christ on Earth. It is not just a “title” used to enhance the papal dignity, but it is a vital and indispensable aspect of his ministry that is inherently vested in the Office of Chief Shepherd of the Lord’s Flock by Christ’s own mandate and deputization.

Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself decreed unto Saint Peter and all those who would succeed him as His Chief Representative in this world, Heaven’s own authority, imparting unto Peter and all future Supreme Pontiffs of Holy Mother Church His own power to bind both in Heaven and on earth; and as you should surely know, such divine empowerment was given to NO OTHER HUMAN IN EXISTENCE.

Thus, while he remains seated on Saint Peter’s Throne ruling and reigning over the whole Church, Pope Francis couldn’t discard the Vicariate of Christ on Earth even if he wanted to. It is not possible for him to repudiate the decree of Christ in the establishment of the Petrine ministry itself. He is, and will remain, Christ’s Vicar as long as he is the Roman Pontiff, irrespective of what he or any other person says or does. It is not his - nor any man’s - to take on or discard as one would a winter coat in the Summertime. Therefore, as the Faithful, we must always honor, respect and revere him as such.

“Vicar of Christ on Earth” is what the Pope IS, not just something he DOES.
As I’m certain you should know, @Sp.., there have been MANY Popes who did MANY things that “Christ did not” do…a great many things of all kinds, as a matter of fact. Yet, what they did - or failed to do - did not change the immutability of their Office as Saint Peter’s Successor and the inherent nature of their power and authority as Christ’s Vicar on Earth. Nor did it alter, modify or adversely …More
As I’m certain you should know, @Sp.., there have been MANY Popes who did MANY things that “Christ did not” do…a great many things of all kinds, as a matter of fact. Yet, what they did - or failed to do - did not change the immutability of their Office as Saint Peter’s Successor and the inherent nature of their power and authority as Christ’s Vicar on Earth. Nor did it alter, modify or adversely impact the ancient and invincible, infallible Deposit of Faith of Holy Mother Church, handed down without error from the Apostles themselves.

We can be tenaciously certain of this because the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, by His own personal promise and decree, guaranteed the indefectibility of His Church and of His Vicar for all time, while He was yet physically present on earth in full bodily form.

What part of “the gates of hell shall not prevail” and “that thy faith fail not” don’t you understand?
Jan Joseph
De ziekte van paus Franciscus brengt hem niet tot zwijgen, maar God.