
Parody: Jesuits Ruin Their Main Church

Il Gesù - the main 1584 church of the Jesuits in central Rome - where Saint Ignatius of Loyola is buried - was ravaged ["renovated"] and re-opened on June 12. Father John Zuhlsdorf knew it before it …More
Il Gesù - the main 1584 church of the Jesuits in central Rome - where Saint Ignatius of Loyola is buried - was ravaged ["renovated"] and re-opened on June 12.
Father John Zuhlsdorf knew it before it happened when he asked “what fresh hell would the Jesuits concoct for their flagship, to lead the way for others to uglier, ‘gayer’, sanctuaries far and wide?”
He was proven right. “In keeping with Vatican II,” the sanctuary was replaced by a ridiculous construction produced from scrap metal whose evident intention is to make fun of the Novus Ordo.
Picture: wdtprs.com, #newsInwfrkzifz
Welcome to black is white and white is black, when restorers are "destroyers" and destroyers are "renewers". (Another great Gloria.tv cartoon.)
Fr Dan
A new altar for the new religion. I'll stick with the old thank you
Wilma Lopez shares this
"“In keeping with Vatican II,” the sanctuary was replaced by a ridiculous construction produced from scrap metal whose evident intention is to make fun of the Novus Ordo."
Pure zelfvernietiging.
la verdad prevalece
Stacey Daniel
The entire abomination is MUCH more than "making fun of the Novus Ordo". The symbolism of the CROSS (marked with the wounds of Christ) surrounded by the metal CIRCLE hanging by SIX chains (made up of circular links) and suspended over a solid square containing large vertical fissures from the bottom up, is unmistakable. The CIRCLE of course is symbolic of the order of antichrist (no right or left …More
The entire abomination is MUCH more than "making fun of the Novus Ordo". The symbolism of the CROSS (marked with the wounds of Christ) surrounded by the metal CIRCLE hanging by SIX chains (made up of circular links) and suspended over a solid square containing large vertical fissures from the bottom up, is unmistakable. The CIRCLE of course is symbolic of the order of antichrist (no right or left or top or bottom, "do what thou wilt is the total of the law"). The CROSS is the order of God - rule from top down, divine hierarchy in which God is the head, His Blessed Mother is the neck through which ALL grace flows, and His Body is the bottom of the cross. The SQUARE block below is an authentic representation of the earth with its 4 corners as described in Scripture and in the Book of Enoch. The fissures visible below the earth's surface represent the demons ascending from the underworld. Notice that these same fissures (with visible brass) are apparent on the "sphere within a sphere" sculpture outside of the Vatican museum in Rome.

I would love to know what the words etched into the large metal circle above the cross reads. I'm sure it would be very revealing.