Bergoglio challenged Catholic doctrine and supported the apostate abortion schismatic 'pontifical' commission that seeks to abolish the Church's moral doctrine that condemns abortion and contraception

In Father Pio's Vision, Our Lord Jesus Christ calls the unfaithful and unworthy priests: "Butchers!" And the Virgin warned in La Salette that priests for their bad life, their irreverence, impiety, for their love of money, honor and pleasures «have become cesspools of impurity».

The anti-Catholic mythomaniac Jorge Mario Bergoglio: We have to be clear: those who made this congress did their duty because they tried to move forward in doctrine, but in an ecclesial sense, not out, as I said with that rule of St. Vincent of Lerins.”
New JPII Institute Professors Question Church Orthodoxy on Homosexuality, Contraception| National Catholic Register (
New Vatican pro-life academy appointees support abortion, euthanasia, fornication - LifeSite (

Even Aciprensa (Catholicnewsagency) cannot hide Bergoglio's schismatic contradiction.
Pope Francis on birth control: Can the teaching of the Church on contraception change?
Aciprensa limited itself to citing Jorge's inconsistencies but then contrasted him with the Church's doctrine. Although without pointing out the contradictions and the manipulation of the language that Bergoglio used to challenge and question the doctrine of the Catholic Church. But in the end there is no need for explanations because it is evident how Bergoglio contradicts the Catholic moral doctrine. The article concludes by citing the Catechism of Pope John Paul II and that Humanae Vitae confirmed the Church's doctrine on the sinfulness of contraception.
Aciprensa: «Pope Francis spoke about the position of the Catholic Church regarding the use of contraceptives during the press conference on the plane returning to Rome from Canada, this July 30.

Asked by the journalist Claire Giangravé, of Religion News Service, about the possibility for the Church to reconsider the total ban on the use of contraceptives, the Pope said that "morality is always on a path of development"....
For Pope Francis: “if you conceive of tradition as something closed, that is not the Christian tradition. It is always the root juice that moves you forward.”

On the subject of birth control, the Catechism of the Catholic Church states that “legitimate intentions on the part of the spouses do not justify recourse to morally unacceptable means (for example, direct sterilization or contraception).”
Paul VI issued Humanae Vitae, the landmark encyclical reaffirming Church teaching against contraception, on July 25, 1968.

In the encyclical, Paul VI warned of serious social consequences if the widespread use of contraceptives became accepted. He predicted that it would lead to infidelity, the lowering of morality, a loss of respect for women, and the belief that humans have “unlimited dominion” over the body.
La Humanae Vitae - a prophetic encyclical (P Miguel Angel Fuentes, IVE) - (

The moral degradation:
Sexual desire is today out of control, and has reached a total uncovering without shame[5]. Furthermore, we already live under what has been called the "Gay Inquisition" that imposes homosexualist ideology even in primary school education.

Sigmund Freud - enemy of all religion, considering it an obsessive neurosis - pointed out in his lecture The sexual life of human beings: "The abandonment of the function of reproduction is the common characteristic of all perversions.

Onan's Detestable Sin Provokes God's Punishment –

Bible version of Bishop Straubinger
This narration teaches that the use of marriage without wanting to have children provokes the punishment of God (v. 10), for being a sin against nature: This punishment is also fulfilled today in families infected by the onanism, vice that of Onán brings its name. God does not make them disappear as quickly as Onan, rather he abandons them to comfort, to the pleasures of life and to shameful passions (Rom. 1, 26), so that they degenerate without remedy, extirpating themselves.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò: Coccopalmerio and Paglia are homosexuals who belong to the "Gay Mafia" which are in favor of subverting Catholic doctrine on homosexuality.

Bergoglio handed over the Pontifical Academy, which is no longer pro-life, into the hands of a homosexual gay activist, promoter of sacrilegious communions and assisted suicide

It’s official: Sodomy will be taught as a moral good at the JPII Institute for “Marriage” and “Family” – non veni pacem

Fr. Chiodi has used the controversial chapter 8 of Pope Francis’s summary document on the family to justify the use of artificial contraception and to argue for the moral goodness of homosexual relationships.

Church Militant: During the summer of 2019, Paglia overhauled the John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family, appointing two professors known for their dissent from Catholic teaching on such topics as homosexuality and contraception.

One of those professors, Fr. Maurizio Chiodi, said the Church:

must have the courage to rethink these questions, overcoming the temptation to respond simply by invoking human "nature," understood as an unchanging substance and known to reason once and for all, in an innate way, and identified with the biological organism that becomes basic "natural datum."

Chiodi went on to say, "I would not exclude that, under certain conditions, a homosexual couple's relationship is, for that subject, the most fruitful way to live good relationships."

Vatican archbishop retweets image of naked adults surrounded by naked children - LifeSite (

Anti- Pontifical Academy for Life members no longer required to sign pro-life declaration - LifeSite (

la verdad prevalece
"Paglia added that Francisco was informed of every step and encouraged the project."
But this News Page claims that it was Bergoglio who created this anti-Catholic committee.
– Catholic World Report :
"In early 2017, Pope Francis set up a four-man study committee to prepare for the 50th anniversary of the publication of Humanae Vitae (July 25, 2018) (HV). It included Msgr. Gilfredo Marengo, …More
"Paglia added that Francisco was informed of every step and encouraged the project."
But this News Page claims that it was Bergoglio who created this anti-Catholic committee.
– Catholic World Report :
"In early 2017, Pope Francis set up a four-man study committee to prepare for the 50th anniversary of the publication of Humanae Vitae (July 25, 2018) (HV). It included Msgr. Gilfredo Marengo, theologian at the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Marriage and Family Sciences at Rome, who was appointed chairman; Msgr. Pierangelo Sequeri, theologian and President of the same Institute; Msgr. Angelo Maffeis, head of the Paul VI Institute in Brescia; and French historian, Philippe Chenaux, Lecturer at the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome.
One more comment from la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio is a sodomite and unbeliever. Hopefully he either repent or as the Psalm says 'another will take his place.'
Oh I get it ! It's not the 10 Commandments, not even the 10 Suggestions, it's the 10 Passing Thoughts
How can a Pope say that morality is" always on the path of development '' like calling a man a woman ?like killing a baby in the womb ?like marriage between two persons of the same sex ?etc
Who is Bergoglio.... Pray for pope Benedict XVI! 🙏 😇
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio has fulfilled his dream of being a butcher.
la verdad prevalece
Pope Pius XI published the Encyclical Casti connubii with which he condemned abortion and defended life and marriage (
RORATE CÆLI: An influential address: 60 years of Pope Pius XII's speech to Italian midwives (
Pope Pius XI published the Encyclical Casti connubii with which he condemned abortion and defended life and marriage (

RORATE CÆLI: An influential address: 60 years of Pope Pius XII's speech to Italian midwives (
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio challenges Catholic doctrine and calls it into question. That was how the cunning Serpent got Adam and Eve to disobey God.
la verdad prevalece
Homosexual Apostate Vincenzo Paglia Retweets Image Of Naked Adults Surrounded By Naked Children As Father Paul Kramer said: “The antipope and his apostate collaborators will be as sister Lucy said, supporters of the devil, those who work for evil without being afraid of anything.”