
Francis Calls His Synod "Abstruse" and "Self-Referential"

Francis has been chosen as the 2023 recipient of E’ Giornalismo, a prize that has decorated Italian regime journalists since 1995. There was a time when popes did not accept secular awards. In his …More
Francis has been chosen as the 2023 recipient of E’ Giornalismo, a prize that has decorated Italian regime journalists since 1995.
There was a time when popes did not accept secular awards. In his August 26 acceptance speech, Francis said that he was accepting the prize to highlight the urgency of "constructive communication” against "coprophilia." The little-known term means "love for excrement" and was coined in 1914 by the Jewish-German psychiatrist Albert Eulenburg who used it to describe a sexual attraction to faeces and defecation. Bergoglio must know this word from the psychological therapy he underwent for six months in 1978 after a period of depression. He has a special love for the term.
Francis also admitted that his forthcoming ex-synod seems “abstruse, self-referential, overly technical, of little interest to the general public.”
But he considers the meeting “really important" for the Church. "Really important" for the Church would be a conversion and return to the Catholic …More
Sandy Barrett shares this
Pope Francis has admitted that there are 'deficiencies' in how the Synod is being organised.
Ivan Tomas
Yeah! The first deficiency is a real pope
Opera 369
Bravo @Ivan Tomas !
Hound of Heaven
He should have said "obtuse" and "unnecessary".
Pope Francis seems to excessively bring up the phenomenon of coprophilia. It's unbecoming of the high office of the pope not to mention undignified and disgusting 🤢
Opera 369
He's a man dressed in white, not a pope. (A Pope represents in full the Catholic Church, Roman Apostolic.. he has not, in all the last 10.5 years).
A Pope doesn't have to be a Saint to be the Pope. There have been worse popes for different reasons. The debauchery of the Renaissance popes was a major cause albeit not the only one, of the Protestant rebellion. Pope Francis talks a lot of modernist bovine excrement but if he were called on the carpet by a tribunal of bishops for charges of heresy, he would back down in a heart beat. He talks a …More
A Pope doesn't have to be a Saint to be the Pope. There have been worse popes for different reasons. The debauchery of the Renaissance popes was a major cause albeit not the only one, of the Protestant rebellion. Pope Francis talks a lot of modernist bovine excrement but if he were called on the carpet by a tribunal of bishops for charges of heresy, he would back down in a heart beat. He talks a good Jesuit game but never actually goes beyond the limits of the papacy, which is why he only limits the Traditional mass instead of abrogating it. He talks of allowing female decons but never actually follows through with establishing it. This is b/c he knows he can't just do anything he wants, and although he hates it he is forced by the Apostolic Tradition to bend a knee before our Lord and to respect it. His reign is in its winter and spring is on the horizon.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I had to take 2 psycology courses when I was getting my B.A./license in secondary education. I remember from class that a sexual attraction to faeces and defecation is demonstrated nearly 100% of the time by homosexuals......not straight people. Only homos.
I hope no one is surprised.😂🤪