New Mexico Catholics want more protections for animals from abuse than for human babies. (And their bishop? Don't ask)

90 Clergy Including “Catholic” Churches and Episcopalian Priest Sign Letter Supporting Abortion

Ninety New Mexico clergy members publicly proclaimed their support for abortion on demand Tuesday in the …
Lucifer would say to Christ. "Every child YOU create to serve you - I will slaughter in the Mother's womb - thereby killing the child in ritualistic slaughter - and damning the unrepentant Mother eternally."
How anyone can command the murder of children ?- We need to use our God given "free will" to serve Christ and to put an end to Lucifer's ritualistic assasination of Christ's children placed in …More
Lucifer would say to Christ. "Every child YOU create to serve you - I will slaughter in the Mother's womb - thereby killing the child in ritualistic slaughter - and damning the unrepentant Mother eternally."

How anyone can command the murder of children ?- We need to use our God given "free will" to serve Christ and to put an end to Lucifer's ritualistic assasination of Christ's children placed in their Mother's wombs so that they might serve Him in whatever circumstance they are thrown into - and then later to inherit the Kingdom of Christ as a reward.

Today, the ritualistic slaughter has become a vile form of contraception. The blind Mother's offspring shoot up to later gain Heaven - as victims of vile sacrifice - but the unrepentant blind uncaring Mother's who killed them will see Hell everlasting for a betrayal of an infant who had no friend, not ONE who cared enough to protect it from it's Mother.

Really the "Apocalypse of Peter" should be read by the false Pope and his demonic luciferian prelates.
God will throw you into Satan's Kingdom - well after all - you are serving Lucifer -
Go to HIM then! Child sacrifice okay'd by so-called Catholic Clergy?
Really? Read the fate of King Solomon - who thought it okay for his wives to worship their demon gods and take him into the Judaen hills to perform the ritualistic slaughter of children - a type of human sacrifice which God made him repent of.…
The baby butchers feel emboldened because the Almighty hasn't struck them yet. But, at the time of His choosing, He will strike and how horrible it will be.
God will take care o those people who were part and pushing for this holocaust
How long, Oh Lord, how long...?
Two very active female late-term abortionists have their abortuary in Albuquerque. One of them has been shown on video telling a patient she was sure the abortion was "what God wanted".