
Scottish Hermits Critical Of Francis Excommunicated

Bishop Brian McGee, 54, of Argyll and The Isles, Scotland, excommunicated a group of hermits on Westray Island, reports Deacon Nick Donnelly on Twitter. The excommunication was notified on Christmas …More
Bishop Brian McGee, 54, of Argyll and The Isles, Scotland, excommunicated a group of hermits on Westray Island, reports Deacon Nick Donnelly on Twitter.
The excommunication was notified on Christmas Eve by mail.
The group consists of Father Stephen de Kerdrel, Sister Colette Roberts and Brother Damon Kelly who, in the past, was arrested ten times for criticising homosexuality and abortion.
The reason for the excommunication was a declaration published in summer on the hermits' website calling Francis “a great heretic” and stating that “never in history has there been such a Pope, who by his actions, words, and teaching, has thrown the whole Church into confusion.”
The hermits declaration therefore withdraw “our obedience from Pope Francis and sever communion with the Holy See.”
Picture: Stephen de Kerdrel, © Nick Donnelly, #newsSxxgfrdnaj
Frà Alexis Bugnolo
They set themselves up for excommunication by accepting the St Gallen Mafia lie that Benedict validly resigned. So by saying they were separating from Bergoglio the pope, they issued a document which could be used to condemn them canonically. This is why it is important to fight against all the trickery of the St Gallen Mafia and stop being deceived by those who say Benedict Resigned ppbxvi.org
Frà Alexis Bugnolo
The correct way to do what they did without the error, is to say that in virtue of Canon 41, you are exercising your canonical discretion to judge the resignation of Benedict an actus nullus, and that therefore you are canonically bound to withdraw your recognition of validity from the Conclave of 2013. The acts of the man show he has not received the petrine munus, and the fact is that Benedict …More
The correct way to do what they did without the error, is to say that in virtue of Canon 41, you are exercising your canonical discretion to judge the resignation of Benedict an actus nullus, and that therefore you are canonically bound to withdraw your recognition of validity from the Conclave of 2013. The acts of the man show he has not received the petrine munus, and the fact is that Benedict never intended to renounce the petrine munus. Therefore, you are canonically bound not to recognize Bergoglio as the pope, and the evidence shows that Bergoglio is a heretic and apostate and idolater. Therefore you publicly condemn him. -- this way they cannot excommunicate YOU, because by doing so they give canonical evidence that they are in schism from the true Pope, Benedict.
Eric M
Bergoglio (who himself is excommunicated) can't excommunicate someone else. 👍
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
✍️ This is called abuse of authority because no one HAS THE POWER TO excommunicate a Catholic for being a Catholic. Who is automatically excommunicated is the one who decrees an invalid excommunication to persecute a faithful Catholic.
Frà Alexis Bugnolo
Decreeing an invalid excommunication is not punished by excommunication per se, but if its intent is to separate Catholics who are faithful from Communion, then it is an act of schism, and then it is punished by excommunication ipso facto. But since the Hermits said they were breaking from the Holy See, the Bishop cannot be canonically faulted for that. They put their foot in their mouth. I pray …More
Decreeing an invalid excommunication is not punished by excommunication per se, but if its intent is to separate Catholics who are faithful from Communion, then it is an act of schism, and then it is punished by excommunication ipso facto. But since the Hermits said they were breaking from the Holy See, the Bishop cannot be canonically faulted for that. They put their foot in their mouth. I pray they have the humility to extract it.
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
✍️ Lonnie Didden: I am so tired of orthodox Catholics being treated like sewage while radical heretics are favored.
One more comment from San Atanasio ora pro nobis
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
Edwinzq Bergoglio is no above GOD.
la verdad prevalece
Jorge's sect excommunicates only the faithful Catholics, the Germans can freely say all heresies and commit all the apostasies they want because they are in full communion with Bergoglio's heresies.
la verdad prevalece
hace 17 horas

S'NoBalls McG(L)ee ... Proverbs 9:10 kjv n' Matthew 7:21-23 kjv = 4U grinning"toothless" falls ... i Stand With My Brothers ... GBY all.More

hace 17 horas

S'NoBalls McG(L)ee ... Proverbs 9:10 kjv n' Matthew 7:21-23 kjv = 4U grinning"toothless" falls ... i Stand With My Brothers ... GBY all.
You can question the faith of the Church, and nothing happens. What you can't question is Bergoglio.
Is this what Hell-bent obedience exactly means?
This decree is not an offense but the highest compliment what the "Afterkirche" is able to give.
This is a serious call to conversion.
Thors Catholic Hammer
Conversion? The reality is that Pope Benedict never resigned the papal office. Bergoglios election is canonically void as are all the acts of any bishops appointed by him.