
German Bishop Reluctantly Prohibits Gay Blessing

Bishop Felix Genn of Münster, Germany, has prohibited a gay pseudo-marriage which a canon of Münster Cathedral wanted to perform on September 30. Genn reacted only after heavy pressure. His speaker …More
Bishop Felix Genn of Münster, Germany, has prohibited a gay pseudo-marriage which a canon of Münster Cathedral wanted to perform on September 30. Genn reacted only after heavy pressure.
His speaker points out that Genn does not intend to vilify gay pseudo-marriages but only wants to avoid "confusion" between blessing a [gravely sinful] gay couple and celebrating a marriage.
Picture: Felix Genn, © Ruecki, wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsQzoopdgmig
we need Clergy that stand firm on the Truth
If Bishop Genn is motivated by the flock not being confused, perhaps he would like to describe what he believes to be the difference between blessing a gay couple and celebrating a marriage.