
French SSPX Backfires “Frontal Assault” Of Cardinal Burke

La Porte Latine, the official website of the French district of the SSPX, expressed astonishment by what it calls a “frontal assault” of Cardinal Raymond Burke against the SSPX. It became recently …More
La Porte Latine, the official website of the French district of the SSPX, expressed astonishment by what it calls a “frontal assault” of Cardinal Raymond Burke against the SSPX.
It became recently known that Burke styled the SSPX in July as schismatic. Now La Porte Latine concludes that it was “apparently wrong” to consider Burke as a friend. The article insinuates that Burke has decided to pussyfoot in connection with his nomination as a member of the Apostolic Signatura.
It is however more likely that Burke who is a canon lawyer, made his argument not out of emotions but from a point of view strictly based on Canon Law.
Picture: © Jim, the Photographer, CC BY, #newsEcuwjnlfqc
Lionel L. Andrades
OCTOBER 3, 2017
Simple way for the SSPX to show Card.Burke that they are not in schism
OCTOBER 3, 2017

Simple way for the SSPX to show Card.Burke that they are not in schism
Cardinal Burke made a lot of enemies specially with in the church ,because of the dubia document
Dr Bobus
I taught four years at the FSSP seminary in NE. I never heard one word, nasty or not, against the SSPX.
Lionel L. Andrades
There is a fundamental error in Cardinal Raymond Burke's philosophy which is also shared by conservative and liberal Catholics in their interpretation of Catholic faith and morals.

October 3, 2017
A priest cannot really know if a couple in concubinage are living as brother and sister : Obfuscation Principle in Amoris Laetitia overlooked in salvation theology by Cardinal BurkeMore
There is a fundamental error in Cardinal Raymond Burke's philosophy which is also shared by conservative and liberal Catholics in their interpretation of Catholic faith and morals.

October 3, 2017

A priest cannot really know if a couple in concubinage are living as brother and sister : Obfuscation Principle in Amoris Laetitia overlooked in salvation theology by Cardinal Burke
Lionel L. Andrades
I interpret Vatican Council II without assuming hypothetical cases are objective exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).They do the opposite.Do you think they are in schism, or at least heresy?
I affirm Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite-LG 16 refers to an invisible case) they affirm Vatican Council II ( Cushingite-LG 16 refers to a visible person saved outside the …
I interpret Vatican Council II without assuming hypothetical cases are objective exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).They do the opposite.Do you think they are in schism, or at least heresy?
I affirm Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite-LG 16 refers to an invisible case) they affirm Vatican Council II ( Cushingite-LG 16 refers to a visible person saved outside the Church and so is an exception to Feeneyite EENS).So for them VC 2 is a rupture with Tradition and they reject it. I do not .Do you think they are in heresy?
I interpret the Nicene Creed to mean 'I believe in one baptism for the forgiveness of sins, it is the baptism of water' for them it is 'I believe in three or more known baptisms for the forgiveness of sins, desire, blood and invincible ignorance and they all exclude the baptism of water in the Catholic Church'.Do you think they are in first class heresy for changing the meaning of the Creed?
For me they are affirming heresy- but then so in Cardinal Burke and the two popes.
It is to the disadvantage of the SSPX and the advantage of the liberals and the Left.

The SSPX needs to affirm Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) and demand canonical status.
If Cardinal Burke and the two popes do not affirm a rational theology and Tradition along with Vatican Council II( Feeneyite) the SSPX should - only then get a Canon Lawyer.
They should engage a Canon lawyer to defend their position.