
Cardinal and Intimate Friend of Francis Makes 35.000 Euros a Month

The first councilor of Pope Francis, Cardinal Oscar Rodríguez Maradiaga, 75, preaches pauperism but receive 500.000 Euros a year from the Catholic University of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, writes the Italian magazine L’Espresso (December 21). Rodríguez is the coordinator of Francis’ Council of Cardinals.

According to L’Espresso Pope Francis is aware of this since May. In December Rodríguez received an additional 54.000 Euros (64,200 dollars) bonus. Rodríguez collected the money for a decade in his capacity as Grand Chancellor of the university.

Several witnesses are accusing Rodríguez of investments in London topping 1,2 million dollars that later vanished into thin air. Francis put the ultraliberal Argentine bishop Jorge Pedro Casaretto, 80, in charge to conduct an investigation.

Rodríguez who is very loved by the secular media is one of the leading apologists of the alleged “reform” of Pope Francis.

Picture: Oscar Rodríguez Maradiaga, © Gabriele Merk, CC BY-SA, #newsIlooloamvl
Dr Bobus
My guess is that the University is laundering the money.More

My guess is that the University is laundering the money.
The Caudillo's Cardinals, smelling like the sheep
The surprise is really that it wasn't leaked earlier. The point of the leak is presumably to make it impossible for the report to be filed away quietly.
Ray Blake has lots of questions apart from what happened to the money:
Who leaked the report?
Why leak the report?
Why now?
Who would gain from its leaking?
What influence did Maradiaga have on the Pope?
Was his corruption limited to Honduras, or did it touch on his Presidency of Caritas Internationalis?
Did he as Co-ordinator of C9 influence the failure of Vatican financial reforms?
Did the Cardinal …More
Ray Blake has lots of questions apart from what happened to the money:

Who leaked the report?
Why leak the report?
Why now?
Who would gain from its leaking?
What influence did Maradiaga have on the Pope?
Was his corruption limited to Honduras, or did it touch on his Presidency of Caritas Internationalis?
Did he as Co-ordinator of C9 influence the failure of Vatican financial reforms?
Did the Cardinal act alone or were other Curial officials and bishops involved?
Are other friends and advisors of the Pope equally corrupt?
What does this say about the Pope's judgement of friends and advisors?
Have we moved into the lame-duck period of this Papacy which will end in further damaging leaks?
Will the Pope gradually become more isolated as others are exposed?
Will journalist decide to turn against Francis?
What will be the next scandal in the Papal court?
What will or what can the Pope do?
Is it possible for the Pope to remain untouched by this scandal?
Marxist leaders all over the world have a characteristic, some people can do anything, as long as they are his friends.
paul grech
The hypocrisy never ends!
Uncle Joe
I find it hard to believe a University in Honduras can come up with 500K p.a.!
Google. You should try it sometime.
I find it hard to believe a University in Honduras can come up with 500K p.a.!

Google. You should try it sometime.

Source please? According to the Guardian (www.theguardian.com/…/pay-rises-vice-…) vice-chancellors in British Universities average about 100K Euros a year. I find it hard to believe a University in Honduras can come up with 500K p.a.!
These accusations are devastating.
Jeff Sessions would be great for the investigation