
Francis' Christmas Greetings: Anger, Threats, Polemics

On December 21, Pope Francis addressed his Curia in the Clementine Hall for the Christmas Greetings.

Regarding the much advertised "reform of the Curia" which he has failed to deliver so far, Francis attempted a self-justification: “Making reforms in Rome is like cleaning the Sphinx with a toothbrush”.

Then, he warned the Curia of an "unbalanced and debased mindset of plots and small cliques that in fact represent" a "cancer", despite the fact that Francis has increasingly presented himself as the pope of a small magic circle treating the rest as people under suspicion.

These people Francis insulted as "those who betray the trust put in them". He accused them of failing to understand their responsibility for "the reform" and even of being "corrupted by ambition or vainglory".

Francis continued with thinly veiled allusions, "When they are quietly sidelined [Cardinal Sarah], they wrongly declare themselves martyrs of the system [Cardinal Müller, Cardinal Burke], of a 'Pope kept in the dark', of the 'old guard'…, rather than reciting a mea culpa."

The address shows how angry Francis is about those who profess the Catholic doctrine despite the fact that this will kill their career.

Francis also threatened those who are "still working" in the Curia but are suspected of not being in line with his radical stances. According to Francis "all the time in the world is given" to them "to get back on the right track". The message is clear: who does not accept the modernist party-line, will be out.

Bergoglio is repeating as pope what already led to his ousting as the provincial of the Argentinean Jesuits: a divisive leadership that threw his confrers in a deep disarray.

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Mother: Sweetie, the kids are all here! Kids: Hi, Daddy! Father: Hi, nothing! There's a cancer in this family! A conspiracy! We have to fix things because you are all a cancer to me! You're all awful! Despicable!
"Traitor" and "Plot" - Is he talking about himself?
Francis also said: "Christmas reminds us that a faith that does not put itself in crisis is a faith in crisis... a faith that does not upset us is a faith that must be upset.”
Here was their chance and they sat on their hands.
confusion on top of confusion ,what are these cardinals afraid of , wasn,t this pope that said he would be happy to accept any criticism ?????
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