
Müller: “I Will Never Oppose Pope Francis”

Cardinal Gerhard Müller does not agree with "traditionalist groups” who would according to him like to see him as head of a movement against the Pope, “I will never do it”.

Müller told corriere.it (November 26) that he does not allow anyone to exploit his “negative experiences of the last few months” because as a cardinal he is “by nature with the Holy Father”.

Müller repeated that there is a “magic circle” around Francis which is concerned with “spying on alleged opponents” and classifying people as Francis' friends or enemies. Francis told Müller that he was accused of being an “enemy” what according to Müller is “an absurdity”.

Müller believes that the tensions in the Church are between “an extremist traditionalist front on some websites and an equally exaggerated progressive front”.

Picture: © michael_swan, CC BY-ND, #newsMxgwlkiupk
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Valiant Woman shares this
Muller wants to be Pope
Josefine .i agree with you
>>>Müller believes that the tensions in the Church are between “an extremist traditionalist front on some websites and an equally exaggerated progressive front”.<<<
I believe it's a fight between truth and lie, light and darkness, good and evil...!
Joseph a' Christian
@Dr Stuart Reiss You are in error about JPII, the only other man to further the heresies and blasphemies of Vatican ll more, is Bergoglio.
John Paul II led the blasphemous pray for world peace day in Assisi, 1986. He joined in prayer with cult leaders who worshipped fire, practiced voodoo... and numerous other demonic pagans and deniers of Christ.
During this demonic assembly, the crucifixes were …More
@Dr Stuart Reiss You are in error about JPII, the only other man to further the heresies and blasphemies of Vatican ll more, is Bergoglio.
John Paul II led the blasphemous pray for world peace day in Assisi, 1986. He joined in prayer with cult leaders who worshipped fire, practiced voodoo... and numerous other demonic pagans and deniers of Christ.
During this demonic assembly, the crucifixes were covered with cloth, in the monastery rooms where the anti-Christ muslims and jews stayed, so these creatures would not be offended. JPII allowed the buddhists to place the pagan buddha statue upon our Church Altar in Assisi, as they used our Church as they pleased. There is the infamous photograph of JP kissing the quran, within its pages Muhammad an anti-Christ wrote that the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus never happened.
JPII, he was the rotten fruit of VATICAN II, a man whose actions reveal that he was a demonic promoter of religious indifference, he was not a Catholic.

Jesus Is The Singular Way To Life.
Too bad the cardinal didn't say: I will never oppose the Catholic Church and it's tradition. He chooses Francis over that.
You are either for Christ or against Christ, fence sitting is over.
There is some excellent conversation today on Gloria.tv! This is what it's for, I would guess. 👏
Some people compare the situation that the Catholic Church finds Herself in today as being equated with the era known as the Arian Heresy. I disagree! Arianism was simply caused by a large amount of the Church being swept along into holding heretical views. Today, I fear, we face a far greater problem than one which could be resolved by re-educating Priests. We are in a far worse crisis - we were …More
Some people compare the situation that the Catholic Church finds Herself in today as being equated with the era known as the Arian Heresy. I disagree! Arianism was simply caused by a large amount of the Church being swept along into holding heretical views. Today, I fear, we face a far greater problem than one which could be resolved by re-educating Priests. We are in a far worse crisis - we were warned by Our Lord in Sacred Scripture that during the end times people would call "Evil" GOOD, and "Good" EVIL. What we are facing today is a Church led and governed by a Priesthood involved in Satanism. Evil so foul that mere Heresy would be a blessing in comparison.

Our Lady stated at La Salette that "Rome would lose the Faith and become the Seat of the Antichrist" a statement that should be treated seriously. We should harbour no grudge against Melanie Calvert, the La Salette Visionary, and forgive her for bearing such bad news. Truly let us be seated, and reflect and understand the gravity and reality of the Message's import.

In the 1970's Bella Dodd announced to Bishop Fulton Sheen that she had instigated the entrance of over 1100 card carrying Communists into the Catholic Priesthood on the request of Stalin, so that they might ascend into the upper Hierarchy and pervert and corrupt the morals of the Roman Church from within. The filth I read today - needs taking very seriously. We are in the middle of a crisis so FOUL that to ponder the evils of Arianism. or to badger the SSPX for being "Schismatic" or attack the Sedevacantists for being "outside the True Church seems laughable. Lucifer would be "Outside" the Church if people would stop hounding the real Catholics and calling them "Schismatic Protestants"


La Salette

The Kiss of Judas Iscariot Fr Michael Rodriguez
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