
Cardinal Müller: Transvestites or Homosexuals "Do Not Exist"

Tucho Fernández’ response to the recent dubia on transvestitism are open to the misunderstanding that there might be room for "a coexistence of sin and grace in the Church,” writes Cardinal Gerhard …More
Tucho Fernández’ response to the recent dubia on transvestitism are open to the misunderstanding that there might be room for "a coexistence of sin and grace in the Church,” writes Cardinal Gerhard Müller in a November 9 press statement.
Müller quotes from the Traditio Apostolica, the oldest Roman Church regulation (c. 200), which demands that all dubious professions, illegal partnerships, and any immoral behaviour, contrary to the grace of Baptism, must be abandoned before entering the catechumenate,
“The harlot, the fornicator, the one who mutilates himself, and anyone else who does something what is not spoken of (1 Cor 6:6-20) should be excluded [from the catechumenate and baptism]” (Traditio Apostolica 16).
Müller also refers to St Thomas Aquinas who states the truism that sinners who come to baptism with the intention of continuing to sin cannot be baptised.
Transvestites and homosexuals "do not exist, neither in the order of creaturely nature nor in the grace of the New Covenant …More
Sandy Barrett shares this
“It is confusing and harmful when the Magisterium relies on the terminology of a nihilistic and atheistic anthropology and thus seems to lend its untruthful content the status of a legitimate theological opinion in the Church” — Cardinal Müller responds to Pope Francis’ dubia on ‘transsexual’ godparents, baptisms
Although there is a behaviour in line with transvestism, there really is no such thing, scientifically (ie-biologically) as homosexuality. In scientific terms, sexuality refers to REPRODUCTION, and there must be two opposite sexes involved the act for reproduction to be possible. We have been dumbed down and fed this erroneous definition for so long, no one questions it any more. What so-called …More
Although there is a behaviour in line with transvestism, there really is no such thing, scientifically (ie-biologically) as homosexuality. In scientific terms, sexuality refers to REPRODUCTION, and there must be two opposite sexes involved the act for reproduction to be possible. We have been dumbed down and fed this erroneous definition for so long, no one questions it any more. What so-called homosexuals engage in is homo-eroticism, which is the aping of the sex act, which is a completely sterile act, no reproduction possible, ever, no matter what they do with their body parts. Sterile=not from God. Next time someone tells you they "trust the science", throw this at them and watch them implode.
Brilliant Thomistic response.
Once again the great Cardinal is utterly correct. And as a brave, fearless Prince of the Church, His Eminence speaks truly and boldly in defense of the Faith.
The one you should be thanking for having foresight is Arch Bishop Lefebvre!
Agree brilliant Son of the Church. DG. What’s the SSPX media response to this present crisis in the Church? Regrettably I thought the response to the jab was in line with Vatican/ worldly thinking and on top of that unprecedented medical harm.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
"Transvestites and homosexuals "do not exist, neither in the order of creaturely nature nor in the grace of the New Covenant in Christ”, Müller concludes.
Fantastic argument by the great Cardinal Muller. He is 100%.
I just watched a news program, where the host was interviewing parents who said they voted Nov. 7th for candidates in school boards who were 100% against the LGBTQ+ agenda, TRANS and …More
"Transvestites and homosexuals "do not exist, neither in the order of creaturely nature nor in the grace of the New Covenant in Christ”, Müller concludes.

Fantastic argument by the great Cardinal Muller. He is 100%.
I just watched a news program, where the host was interviewing parents who said they voted Nov. 7th for candidates in school boards who were 100% against the LGBTQ+ agenda, TRANS and Gender ideology. God bless the good Cardinal Muller and these parents.
But I never thought that I would see the promotion of sodomy, LGBTQ+ and TRANS agenda and people from the higest authorities on the Roman Catholic Church.
The Papacy and the Vatican have sunk into a cesspool of homosexuality and other perversions since 2013 with Pope Francis...especially over the last 3+ years. It is as if he is trying to let as much decadence, immorality, sodomy and other grave sins and lifestyle into the Church before he dies.
Jan Joseph
Kardinaal Muller heeft gelijk, die gekken in het Vaticaan zijn oversekst.
Thank you Cardinal Muller. If we cling to the Apostolic Tradition we see all our "modern questions" were answered long ago. These behaviors are not new. Man hasn't changed. And the faith need not change.