
For the Vatican Enrico Crasso Is the Big Villain

The Oligarch magazine Espresso.Repubblica.it published details from the request for legal assistance the Vatican send to Switzerland a year ago.

It claims that there was a “criminal conspiracy against the Holy See,” and presents Enrico Crasso, 72, as the pivot of the system.

The Italian Crasso holds also a Swiss passport, therefore, he cannot be extradited to the Vatican.

The Vatican isn’t able to specify the amount of commissions he cached in thirty years. Espresso presents Crasso as a man who records everything.

Although the Secretariat of State was warned, it has continued to place its trust in him, the prosecutors write.

According to Espresso, Crasso recently left the board of at least three companies in which the Secretariat of State invested money.

It is obvious, that the Vatican/prosecution leaks its material to the Repubblica.it media (Eugenio Scalfari), while the defence informs Corriere.it.
