
Next Synod of Bishops Will Be A “Synod Synod”

Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri announced on March 7 that Francis will hold an October 2022 Synod of Bishops. Its topic, “For a Synodal Church: communion, participation and mission.” According to the …More
Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri announced on March 7 that Francis will hold an October 2022 Synod of Bishops.
Its topic, “For a Synodal Church: communion, participation and mission.”
According to the FaroDiRoma.it, this will be “a step towards democratisation.”
However, in a “democracy,” the ruling party needs a strong opposition which keeps it in check.
So far, “democracy” in the Church only produced a neo-marxist one-party dictatorship that imposes new “truths” and invents a new “faith.”
Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsCkwreybmwf
It will be the Synod of the upside-down pyramid as indicated here in one of the titles: catholique.forumactif.com/t129-un-nouveau… , in other words, Synod of Freemasons, as Vatican II was.
Pachamamas has come to devour the faithless in the Vatican.
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle
The theme of the next synod of bishops will be... the synod. This is beyond grotesque.
It's terrifying. What they're really doing is establishing new policy on what rules they're going to follow. Changing the rules for making the rules, if you will. And just look at what's come of their current changes.
I hope that in two years Bergoglio will leave us.
Novella Nurney
What "god" is he talking about? Did he have private revelation? Jesus Christ the King 's Church is hierarchical and that is what he " expects " it be until he returns in Glory. These daft men expect to set up thier church in thier image completely devoid of God. Spiritually desolate and an abomination in God s sight.
Why not just call it what it is? A synod on becoming protestant?
Isn't that the truth? No surprise it's the Germans leading the way again, too. Just like last time.
F M Shyanguya