
No Mass: Parish Church Becomes Vaccination Center

San Pietro Church in Mendicino, Southern Italy, is the town's place for administering Covid-19 vaccines, the Italian bishops’ homosexualist Avvenire.it reports enthusiastically.

The parish priest, Father Enzo Gabrieli himself proposed to use his church since he has suspended all Masses anyway.

There would have been plenty of other locations in Mendicino where the vaccinations could have been executed, like the school or the theatre.


J G Tasan
Where have all the public halls gone???
HOUSE for the BEAST thas is bergoglian working finnaly...
, Catholics should stand up and refuse this non sense
Sadly, the Catholic laity, like all flocks of sheep, blindly follow these earthly shepherds with only mild bleating at best.
Governments around the Globe told Catholics to lockdown in November and save Christmas, then to cancel Christmas and save Easter and now we are going to hear, “Sorry, no Easter 2021”.
Louis IX