
Francis' Ambiguities Follow “A Plan”

Pope Francis uses ambiguity to achieve his goals, Father John Hunwicke told Gloria.tv (video below), "It is as if this is a deliberate plan."

Hunwicke is a former Anglican. He was the Head of Theology at Lancing College, England, and a Senior Research Fellow at Pusey House in Oxford.

The situation in the Church reminds Hunwicke of the English Anglicans: "When they ask for dialogue what they are really asking for is: They want us to listen to them and then to agree with them."

Hunwicke explains that Francis calls for "parrhesia," for dialogue, but does not appreciate when it happens.

As an example, he mentions the recent consistory with cardinals during which Francis approved Cardinal Newman's (+ 1890) canonization. But the meeting lasted for only thirty minutes.

For Hunwicke this is not the behavior of somebody who really believes in parrhesia, rather the action of a man "anxious to push through an agenda without allowing the sort of discussion that ought to happen before."


Novella Nurney
My tablet is acting up, I'll have to watch later, but I read Fr. Hunwicke's blog frequently. He comes across as very devout, knowledgeable, orthodox, and a very learned gentleman with a great love of God . He is both prudent and witty. Can't wait to watch it later!
Hooray for Fr. Hunwicke. He gets everything in this remarkable interview right, except his premise, videlicet, that Bergoglio is pope. He points out tellingly that the 'braintrust' of Antipope 'Francis' such as it is is deifying the Amozonain rainforest itself, which is blatant heresy and apostasy.
His detour on poetic criticism on the pastoral poets--Theocritus and Virgil, themselves waxing poetic …More
Hooray for Fr. Hunwicke. He gets everything in this remarkable interview right, except his premise, videlicet, that Bergoglio is pope. He points out tellingly that the 'braintrust' of Antipope 'Francis' such as it is is deifying the Amozonain rainforest itself, which is blatant heresy and apostasy.

His detour on poetic criticism on the pastoral poets--Theocritus and Virgil, themselves waxing poetic on the joys of traipsing through meadows barefoot with one's shepherdess singing lovesongs--is a hoot.

The bucolic poets, like the phonies in Rome, Berlin and Vienna, like the court around Antipope 'Francis' in the the Casa Santa Marta, are city-slickers all.

Antipope 'Francis's' minions all, they couldn't tell a sheep's petoot from Bergoglio's, especially recently as he was kissing the feet of the aghast Tanzanian presidential delegation.
Benedict Joseph
Father Hunwick's website is my first stop every morning. How wonderful to have the opportunity to see him and hear him speak. He is flawless.
Those who leave the tradition of truth do not escape into something which we call Freedom. They only escape into something else, which we call Fashion.
Holy Cannoli
Is this the same Eva who was the news presenter on German GTV several years ago? 😲 If so, good interview with Father Hunwicke. 👍
Incidentally, I like your lighter hair color. You ought to appear on camera more often. 👌
A plan from hell to destroy the faith and the Church.
St. Michael the Archangel defend us in battle
Remember advoluntas, Christ WINS in the end.
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