
Pope Francis Not Welcome in Argentina?

Pope Francis’ left-wing mouthpieces in Argentina who stir up political controversy, are the reason why Francis would encounter opposition during a visit in his home-country. One of Francis’ agitators …More
Pope Francis’ left-wing mouthpieces in Argentina who stir up political controversy, are the reason why Francis would encounter opposition during a visit in his home-country.
One of Francis’ agitators is Juan Grabois (34), the son of an historic Peronist leader and left-wing activist. According to Sandro Magister he is “a figure so close to Bergoglio as to make one think that his every word in effect reflects the pope’s real political thought.”
Francis even appointed Grabois as a consultant to the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. In Argentina his incendiary words against the Macri government are promptly attributed to Bergoglio.
For Francis’ trip to Chile Grabois organized a transport of five hundred left-wingers who will sit in the first row of a Mass Francis will celebrate on January 17 in Temuco, Chile. After the Mass, Francis will have lunch with some of them.
Magister, "The fact that the Peronist Bergoglio does not love the center-right Macri is no mystery."
“The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him.” Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince
De Profundis
Pope John XXIII (1958-1963): “No Catholic could subscribe even to moderate socialism”
God is not sleeping
De Profundis
Argentines are calling Francis a “traitor pope” on social media.
De Profundis
Francis is a real Peronist. Recent example,
Dr Ward: "Holy Father, may I say something?
Pope "Certainly"
Dr.W " “Our families have a great and urgent need for you to defend the Primary Right of parents as Educators of their children.”
He replied “D’accordo” I agree.More
Francis is a real Peronist. Recent example,

Dr Ward: "Holy Father, may I say something?
Pope "Certainly"
Dr.W " “Our families have a great and urgent need for you to defend the Primary Right of parents as Educators of their children.”
He replied “D’accordo” I agree.
Uncle Joe
The threat against the pope comes alongside protests over the appointment of Juan Barros as the bishop in Osorno. Barros is accused of covering up for a priest who was found guilty of paedophilia, and anger over his appointment in 2015 has prompted further fears over the security of Pope Francis during his tour of Chile and Peru in January, www.cnn.com/…/index.html.
"Pope Francis, the next bombs …More
The threat against the pope comes alongside protests over the appointment of Juan Barros as the bishop in Osorno. Barros is accused of covering up for a priest who was found guilty of paedophilia, and anger over his appointment in 2015 has prompted further fears over the security of Pope Francis during his tour of Chile and Peru in January, www.cnn.com/…/index.html.

"Pope Francis, the next bombs will be on your cassock."