
Gaza: St Porphyrios Church Damaged

The 1,600-year-old Greek Orthodox St Porphyrios Church in the Gaza Strip, which was sheltering hundreds of displaced locals, mostly women and children, was hit overnight by an Israeli air strike overnight …More
The 1,600-year-old Greek Orthodox St Porphyrios Church in the Gaza Strip, which was sheltering hundreds of displaced locals, mostly women and children, was hit overnight by an Israeli air strike overnight (October 19/20), the Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem said.
Parts of the compound collapsed as a result. 16 civilians were killed.
The Israeli military said a part of the church was damaged in a strike on a militant command center.
St Porphyrios is believed to be the third oldest church in the world, but most of the structure was built by the Crusaders around 1150. It is located in the Zaytun district in Gaza’s Old City.
A Catholic aid worker, her husband and her infant daughter were among those killed on the grounds of Saint Porphyrius Church this week.
Live Mike
The Catholic Church officially believes that aerial bombardments of civilian populations is an unjustified method of war, and of the Vatican on June 10, 1938, declared that the protests of the world against bombings in Spain were justified by the fact that the centers bombed had no military interest. When, then, an individual is confronted with the problems of war, he should ask himself these …More
The Catholic Church officially believes that aerial bombardments of civilian populations is an unjustified method of war, and of the Vatican on June 10, 1938, declared that the protests of the world against bombings in Spain were justified by the fact that the centers bombed had no military interest. When, then, an individual is confronted with the problems of war, he should ask himself these questions: Is the cause for which my country goes to war just? Is it grave and proportionate to the evils which will follow? Is it to defend basic rights, which could not otherwise be preserved, or to expand possessions, and preserve a certain form of economy or politics? Second, supposing the cause to be just, has my country the right intention? Is it entering the war to save loans made to foreign countries, or loans to restore international order based on justice? Third, are its methods justified? Is it using certain anti-religious forces? Is it so conducting the war that it realizes war is a conflict between States and not between individuals? Are its methods conducive to a true peace without vindictiveness? Only when these three questions of morally good end, right intentions, and justifiable methods can be answered in the affirmative can war be justified. These principles are as independent of propaganda and emotion as the sun is independent of the methods of government. They antedated this war and every war, because the order of the universe is grounded on the justice of God. - Conditions of A Just War [Catholic Moral Principle…
Raze the Gaza Strip to the ground. 🇬🇧🇮🇱🇬🇧🇮🇱🇬🇧
@sarto2010 Great idea! Its not like there are any innocent women and children there.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
The Israelis are lying. They don't care what they bomb. According to their logic, if Jews are killed, they'll go after the perpetrator and kill 5x as many of them, regardless as to what is destroyed.
Everyday for Life Canada
How does bombing a church destroy Hamas?
Everyday for Life Canada
There were 16 civilians reported killed as collateral damage from the strike. Can you imagine the fear?
@Father Jonn Miller Asymetrical warfare. When a much smaller weaker, less equiped force fights a superior force, it would be suicide to meet face to face on the battle field. The american revolution is a good example. The locals hid the "rebels" , their weapons and their supplies within the towns and villages. The rebels used the tower of the north church in Boston as a communications asset to signal …More
@Father Jonn Miller Asymetrical warfare. When a much smaller weaker, less equiped force fights a superior force, it would be suicide to meet face to face on the battle field. The american revolution is a good example. The locals hid the "rebels" , their weapons and their supplies within the towns and villages. The rebels used the tower of the north church in Boston as a communications asset to signal the arrival of the British. During WWII we taught and led underground groups of fighters in both Europe and the pacific. We showed them how to blend in to the civilian population and then stike and disappear. As for targeting innocent civilians look no further than General Sherman burning Atlanta and then a 50 mile wide swath to the sea including the food stores and farm fields, causing untold suffering and death. Unfortunately most human beings believe that the ends justifies the means. We are horrified when "terrorists" kill innocent civilians but we kill millions of our unborn children each year in our country alone. The innocent always pay the greatest price. Our Lady of Fatima pray for us.
Thousands of bombs dropped since this began. Seems to be an awful lot of "command centers" Maybe if its a building, it could be a "command center" When you have a big hammer, everything looks like a nail.
@Father Jonn Miller Wasn't a joke
Antônio Frasson afrasson
"militant" no, terrorist!!!!!!!
Yeah. Just like the others…..😂😂😂😂😂🇮🇱
Are those the bodies of more non-combatants murdered by the IDF?