BIDEN TIME: Can Trump (and America) Survive 2020's Reign of Terror? This Week on Michael J. Matt’s ‘From the Editor’s Desk’: - Police state pandemic restrictions in Melbourne, Australia are terrifying …More
BIDEN TIME: Can Trump (and America) Survive 2020's Reign of Terror?
This Week on Michael J. Matt’s ‘From the Editor’s Desk’: - Police state pandemic restrictions in Melbourne, Australia are terrifying. - Joe Biden announces plan to hire 100,000 contact tracers as soon as he takes office. - Antifa/BLM protesters set up guillotines all across America, including in front of home of Amazon CEO, Jeff Bezos. What. Is. Going. ON. HERE? - Leftist group announces plans for a September “White House Siege”, as America braces for pre-election Reign of Terror? - Pope Francis suggests that, in order to be not hypocritical, defenders of the sanctity of human life need to support BLM. - Can America's 51 million Catholics in good conscience vote for Joe Biden? Cardinal Raymond Burke takes Joe 'The Catholic' Biden to task on Fox News. - Bernie Sanders says Trump is the 'most dangerous president in U.S. history." Why Trump terrifies the radical Left? - Finally, is this street revolution in America really …More
F M Shyanguya
@salliperson ... doing incalculable harm to the Church and souls, and for sordid money.
Alex A
Come onnnnnnn! FM Shyanguya, What 'devilish deviancy' are you visualising for Michael Matt now? Is there anyone on this God given earth, that you don't perceive as being in league with the devil? Your dislike for others is now bordering on 'paranoia', which personally I find to be sad. You're an educated man, as such, why do you see the need to attack the character/and or motivation of others?
Alex A
@salliperson.> Reasoning?
Shill, a person who publicizes or praises something or someone for reasons of self-interest, personal profit.
LOVE this guy! Thanks for sharing