
Francis Removes Cardinal Angelo Comastri

The Fabric of Saint Peter which is responsible for the maintenance of St. Peter's Basilica is in troubles.

On June 29, Francis removed its president, Cardinal Angelo Comastri, 76, and Comastri's delegate, Monsignor Vittorio Lanzani, and named retired Nuncio Mario Giordana, 78, as an Extraordinary Commissioner for the Fabric.

Giordana has the task of bringing order in the Fabric's administrative and technical offices. He will be assisted by a commission.

On June 30, Vatican police performed a raid in the Fabric's offices removing, documents and electronic equipment. It's safe to assume that the place is entangled in corruption and mismanagement.

This is another scandal in Francis’ chaotic administration of the Vatican.

Picture: Angelo Comastri, © wikicommons CC BY-SA, #newsPsotawlacg

Alex A
@ DDLF.>Long overdue I would suggest.
Novella Nurney
Hmm, this is the Cardinal that gtv has at least twice reported on. He is the Cardinal that has been shown crying during his recitations of the rosary. I can not imagine what one would gain in the eyes of the world by crying quietly, occasionally in front of a small audience in St. Peter's whilst reciting Our Ladies Psalter. If he is corrupt may God grant him the time and Grace's to repent. If this …More
Hmm, this is the Cardinal that gtv has at least twice reported on. He is the Cardinal that has been shown crying during his recitations of the rosary. I can not imagine what one would gain in the eyes of the world by crying quietly, occasionally in front of a small audience in St. Peter's whilst reciting Our Ladies Psalter. If he is corrupt may God grant him the time and Grace's to repent. If this is just one more " commission" set up to destroy any vestige of tradition , as they usually are, may he offer them to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Novella Nurney
"The Vatican said Tuesday that Pope Francis also named a special commissioner to run the basilica, reorganize its offices, update its statutes to comply with new Vatican norms on procurement and contracting, and to “clarify its administration."AP news
I suspect this might be why the Cardinal was removed. We likely will never know if the Cardinal was complicit or not.
He needs to remove all his friends and remove himself. Time to go bergoglio.